

Comment faire pour télécharger Lapland gratuitement



Recently widowed Eileen Lewis,son Pete and his wife Mandy and daughter Paula with her spouse Ray,plus the grandchildren, leave Birkenhead to spend Christmas in Lapland..



High in the frigid zone of the continent of Europe, where the Arctic Circle cuts through the upper tips of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, is the land of the Lapps—a people privileged to cross these frontiers unrestricted because of their nomadic traditions and their owing allegiance to no one nation. Their economy, dependent on migrating livestock, is explained, as well as their customs and gypsy-like existence..

Coup de foudre à Noël

Coup de foudre à Noël

Charlotte Marton est une jeune administratrice judiciaire qui rêve d’autres horizons dans sa vie professionnelle et personnelle. En cette fin décembre, elle est envoyée par son cabinet parisien en Suède pour fermer une société française qui fabrique des jouets en bois et qui est dans le rouge depuis des années. Une mission de quelques jours. Elle doit être rentrée pour Noël… Arrivée sur place, elle rencontre Martial, sympathique chef d’entreprise qui élève tant bien que mal les enfants de sa sœur décédée, et qui gère son entreprise comme un idéaliste qui rêve un peu trop grand. Charlotte, qui ne croit plus en l’amour depuis longtemps, se laisse charmer par ce rêveur et oublie peu à peu sa mission..

Lapland Odyssey 2

Lapland Odyssey 2

It’s been three years since we last met Janne and Inari. Since then, they’ve had a daughter named Lumi. Janne and his friends experience a new adventure, this time on an autumn night. The boys go to a party but end up chasing Lumi who has disappeared. Meanwhile, Inari enjoys a girls-night-out and has an adventure of her own..

Lapland Odyssey 3

Lapland Odyssey 3

In the third instalment of the franchise, Janne embarks on an epic hike, a journey of self-discovery. His dreams of a tranquil retreat into nature are quickly shattered however, when Räihänen and Kämäräinen both decide to come along for the trip. Meanwhile Janne’s spouse Inari gets the chance to go back to work, but only if she can prove she’s “management material” and a real leader. Inari enters the Swamp Soccer tournament, where to her horror she finds out her ex Little Mikko is also competing..

Very Cold Trip

Very Cold Trip

La vie est belle pour Janne, un jeune trentenaire finlandais… Il ne fait rien de ses journées. Sa fiancée Inari n’en peut plus et lui pose un ultimatum : soit il trouve un décodeur tv avant l’aube – elle le lui réclame depuis longtemps – soit elle le quitte. Janne n’a plus le choix : il se lance avec ses deux meilleurs amis sur les routes enneigées de Laponie ; des routes semées de surprises et d’embûches où sa fainéantise légendaire ne lui sera pas d’une grande aide..

Wild Lapland

Wild Lapland

Snow blankets the trees and green lights dance in a star-filled sky. For a brief time during the festive season, our thoughts turn to a winter wonderland, far to the north. It’s a place best known to outsiders as Lapland, the magical home of Santa Claus. But far from the festive lights, Santa’s home is even more enchanting than you may realise..

Ice Dream: Lapland's Snow Show

Ice Dream: Lapland's Snow Show

On the edge of the Arctic Circle some of the biggest names in art and architecture - including Zaha Hadid, Anish Kapoor, Yoko Ono, Tatsuo Mihijima and Future Systems - recently gathered to produce an extraordinary collection of artworks made of ice and snow. See ice harvested by chainsaw, flaming vodka coursing through Hadid's ziggurat (and threatening to melt it) and Anish Kapoor get cross as his 'Red Solid' begins to look more like a pink slush puppy. Charlie Luxton investigates..

On Tour Exploring the Extraordinary Lapland

On Tour Exploring the Extraordinary Lapland

In summer Lapland's exceptional flora is in full bloom with little hint at its close proximity to the Polar Circle & many who travel there are attracted by the long & virtually traffic-free roads that lead through its vast wilderness. The journey across Lapland confirms that the extreme north of Finland is truly one of the most unspoiled natural landscapes in the world..