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Lady Windermere's Fan

Lady Windermere's Fan

Lord Windermere appears to all - including to his young wife Margaret - as the perfect husband. But their happy marriage is placed at risk when Lord Windermere starts spending his afternoons with an adventuress who is working her way through London's high society, Mrs. Erlynne. Worse, Windermere gives her big sums of money. To crown it all he asks his wife to invite the detestable woman to her own birthday party. Upset and outraged, the puritan Lady Windermere decides to leave her husband and goes to Lord Robert Darlington, who has been courting her for some time. Unfortunately she leaves her fan - the one Robert offered her for her birthday - in Robert's house....

Lady Windermere's Fan

Lady Windermere's Fan

The day of Lady Windermere’s birthday party, and all is perfectly in order. Until her friend Lord Darlington plants a seed of suspicion. Is her husband having an affair? And will the other woman really attend the party? First performed in 1892, Lady Windermere’s Fan explores the ambiguity of upper class morality and the fragile position of women in society in the late Victorian era in one of Wilde’s most popular and witty plays..

L'Éventail de Lady Windermere

L'Éventail de Lady Windermere

A Londres, juste après la guerre, Mrs Erlynne, une vieille dame assiste à la mise aux enchères d'un éventail lui ayant appartenu. Souhaitant le récupérer, elle va demander de l'aide à une ancienne relation, Lord Darlington. Mais qui est donc la mystérieuse Mrs Erlynne ? Grâce à plusieurs flash-backs, nous revivons le drame qui s'est joué quelques années plus tôt..