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Dan Reilly a tout fait pour sauver sa modeste exploitation agricole. A deux doigts de la faillite, il accepte de soumettre son bétail à des "tests de fécondation" menés par un laboratoire de biotechnologie sous le contrôle de la vétérinaire locale Orla, son ex-compagne. A l'occasion d'un examen de routine, Orla découvre de troublantes anomalies dans le processus et alerte son patron, John.Mais il est déjà trop tard : une terrifiante mutation est en train de s'accomplir et, en l'espace de quelques heures, la situation va virer au cauchemar....



Inspired by the true events of a couple vacationing on a remote island in the Bahamas who are hunted by a group of modern-day pirates, after their identities and their lives..



An anthology of nine horror shorts filmed under the social distancing and self-isolation requirements of the COVID-19 outbreak..



In this eerie hospital chiller, a medical student wakes up in an isolation room, gravely ill with no idea how she got there or how to get out. Trying to make sense of her plight and save herself, she finds the hospital staff distinctly unhelpful..



Il s'agit d'un des quatre films d'animation situés dans le même univers que le film "Je suis une légende". Dans une prison de haute sécurité, un terroriste emprisonné est délibérément abandonné dans sa cellule pour mourir pendant les premiers jours de la pandémie du virus Krippin..



Sarah finds herself stuck in isolation and recently broken up with. With nothing to do and nowhere to go, she tries to contact her ex to find out why he has ended their relationship.



Trapped in self-imposed solitude in her bedroom and cut-off from those she loves the most, a lonely woman struggles to come through the hellish, isolating odyssey of her illness..



A student, Sean, learns about the death of his Aunt over lockdown. Forced to be alone he has to face his troubled relationship with his Aunt..



After a viral epidemic, three scientists are sent to an underground lab to find a cure to save mankind. But, as paranoia and isolation set in, it becomes clear the threat isn't just outside..



"I feel that some of the silent pieces might be seen as visual music. Perhaps a bit pretentious to say that, but such pieces as ISOLATION are something of the sort. This is a film that every time I see it I want to re-edit it, just for fun. Its like a jazz improv, and could be different during the next set – the rhythms, the pauses, perhaps with longer passages and variations in visual tonality, theme and variation, recapitulations – all sorts of musical terms might be applied. There is no real narrative development here. The film suggests that a boy in a rowboat sees glimpses of the world around him. The boy whose image you see is our son, Darmon, and long ago I was a similar boy as well." –Abbott Meader.



I am in a crisis. Affection, togetherness and existing relationships are destroyed by a break in a relationship. Suddenly the drastic call comes from the health department and the announcement: quarantine. Locked up at home with no contact - alone. Suddenly the apartment becomes more and more strange, the familiar becomes the enemy..



"Isolation is a film about forgiveness. It takes place in basically only one location. It’s a girl in her bedroom that transforms into a prison. The door disappears and it’s very abstract and surreal." — Princess Demeny.



A collective documentary film, from five european directors asked to witness the revolutions and dramas caused in their own countries by the pandemic. Among them, “Two Fathers”, directed by Julia von Heinz (20’). After the death of his father, Hans-Michael von Heinz, the director finds out the truth about her parent true sexual identity. In order to know more, she starts emailing persons who got to know him over the last years, among them his closest friend, director Rosa von Praunheim..