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This video follows the story of Laura, a rebellious teen whose choice to skip school that day leads us on a journey. A homage to Danny Boyle and specifically his film Trainspotting with music by David Bowie..



Due to the pandemic, the funeral service for Martin was held virtually, a group of different people being asked the same questions about him. As we hear more, we learn more about the type of man Martin was and what happened to him..



Indifference unfolds as a series of brief, hallucinatory scenes set in the waning days of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and on the cusp of World War I..

La Tendre indifférence du monde

La Tendre indifférence du monde

La belle Saltanat et son chevalier servant Kuandyk sont amis depuis l’enfance. Criblée de dettes, la famille de Saltanat l’envoie dans la grande ville où elle est promise à un riche mariage. Escortée par Kuandyk qui veille sur elle, Saltanat quitte son village pour l’inconnu. Les deux jeunes gens se trouvent entraînés malgré eux dans une suite d’événements cruels et tentent d’y résister de toutes les façons possibles..

Les Indifférents

Les Indifférents

Au début des années 30, maria Grazia, une femme de la bonne société, a hérité de son mari d'un patrimoine considérable qui s'amenuise ai fil des vols commis par son amant, léo. Ses enfants, Carla et Michel, ne réussisent pas à contrecarrer la gestion du patrimoine de leur mère... Mais, peut-être ne le souhaitent-ils pas vraiement ? L'indifférence de la famille n'est même pas ébranlée lorsque Michel devient l'amant de Lisa, une amie de sa mère, et carla la maîtresse de Léo..

Le confort et l'indifférence

Le confort et l'indifférence

Un grand documentaire sur le Québec et un éditorial cinématographique virulent à l’occasion du référendum de mai 1980 sur la souveraineté-association. Couvrant les événements, le cinéaste sort la défaite référendaire du Parti québécois de son contexte local et la confronte au jugement de l'Histoire, en la soumettant au feu d'une critique acerbe sous la forme de citations extraites de l'œuvre de Nicolas Machiavel (magnifiquement interprété par Jean-Pierre Ronfard)..

Entering Indifference

Entering Indifference

I am in Chicago for a festival but also to reflect, to know where I stand with the other. With the world too. There, everything that undermines our daily life is exacerbated; love, snow and oblivion, my letter is the chronicle of "this winter of love", the unstable record of this freezing of reality. Welcome to indifference..

Reckless Indifference

Reckless Indifference

Emmy-winning director William Gazecki (WACO: The Rules Of Engagement) delivers a searing indictment of the American legal system in this tragic story of teens, drugs and murder. Reckless Indifference explores how California’s controversial felony murder rule unjustly changed the lives of four teenagers forever. After participating in a backyard brawl which resulted in the death of a LAPD officer’s son, the ensuing trial led to life without parole sentences for the accused, even though the evidence against them was not clear-cut. Ten years have passed and they are still behind bars, though an appeal is pending. With revealing interviews from legal expert Alan Dershowitz, family members on both sides, and an exclusive recent interview with Brandon Hein from his jail cell, Reckless Indifference gives viewers an inside look into a trial that earned national attention but failed to bring justice to those involved..

Nos indifférences

Nos indifférences

Colette, 30 ans, vit à Paris avec son frère Antoine (25 ans). Antoine est un être à part : fantasque pour certains, « fragile » pour sa soeur. Mais il reste le garçon fou-fou, drôle et intense que Colette aime plus que tout. Jusqu’au jour où ça ne tourne plus tout à fait rond chez Antoine. Après un séjour en clinique, un diagnostic flou est posé : il s’agirait d’une forme de schizophrénie. Colette se lance alors à corps perdu, dans une quête folle et maladroite, pour comprendre à tout prix de quoi son frère souffre dans l’espoir de le ramener à une vie normale..

The Time of Indifference

The Time of Indifference

A screen adaptation of the novel of the same name by Alberto Moravia. Rome, our days. Mariagration Ardengo and her children Michele and Carla are left without a livelihood. Mariagration's money-hungry lover Leo develops a plan to take the last property from the family - the attic in which they live. Michele tries to thwart Leo's plans, but when his attempts fail, young Carla takes over..

Les Deux Rivales

Les Deux Rivales

Rome. Années 1930. La famille Ardengo, ruinée, n'a plus les moyens d'entretenir un luxueux train de vie et une superbe demeure, située dans un riche quartier résidentiel. La propriétaire, Maria Grazia, une veuve égoïste et vaniteuse tente de retenir un amant, Leo Merumeci, homme d'affaires cynique et dénué de scrupules, à qui elle emprunte de l'argent en hypothéquant sa maison. Celui-ci cherche, en fait, à épouser la fille de Maria Grazia, Carla, tout en s'octroyant la villa. Le fils de Maria Grazia, Michele, observe avec lucidité la lente dégradation matérielle et morale de sa famille, mais comme sa sœur, Carla, il demeure passif et indifférent, incapable de stopper le cours des événements….

La Belle Indifference

La Belle Indifference

Onur is sacked from his job as manager of a pharmaceutical company. He’s not too bothered about being unemployed, but the same cannot be said of his wife Bahar. Onur doesn’t listen to her and becomes indifferent not only to her anxieties but also to the world around him. He’d rather be surrounded by more zebras. A drama with dashes of absurd comedy about events that are no laughing matter: a personal crisis that impacts their marriage..



Petya plays the dulcimer and loves his Muscovite with a Zaporozhets engine. Zhuzha loves twist and movies with Gerard Philip. The third one doesn't like to talk about himself. And it's better for others to keep quiet in his presence... The story unfolds in the 60s around a few days of the life of a young man named Petya, who fell in love with an older and more experienced girl who is unable to sort out her feelings..

The comfortable indifference of abundance

The comfortable indifference of abundance

A Fish Boy travels long distances through the countryside in search of some water to survive. In Wet City, not far from there, its inhabitants squander it daily using it carelessly. An unexpected storm will change everyone's life and put things in their place..

The Benign Indifference of the World

The Benign Indifference of the World

The protagonist is unable to balance his words and body. Kounosuke repeatedly makes mistakes by talking about things he doesn't have to say. Kuramoto refuses to explain. The confusion of the characters is a universal problem of communication. However, the final scene, in which the protagonist becomes depressed and starts talking like a machine gun in a conversation that he does not engage in, gives the film a unique contemporary perspective..