

Comment faire pour télécharger Il Barbiere di Siviglia gratuitement

Il Barbiere di Siviglia [The Metropolitan Opera]

Il Barbiere di Siviglia [The Metropolitan Opera]

Le public s’est déchaîné devant la production dynamique de Bartlett Sher, qui a trouvé des moyens nouveaux et surprenants de rapprocher plus que jamais la comédie effervescente de Rossini. Le casting stellaire a relevé le défi avec une énergie irrésistible et un vocalisme de bravoure. Juan Diego Flórez est le comte Almaviva, qui déclenche une colorature époustouflante tout en courtisant la fougueuse Rosina de Joyce DiDonato, avec l'aide de Peter Mattei dans le rôle du seul et unique Figaro, le barbier bien-aimé de Séville et l'homme de la ville..

Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia

Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia

The composer's opera buffa transcends the spirit of Beaumarchais’ comedy and combines the absurd with a touch of satirical realism in a score where rhythm and virtuosity place the comic effects in an ongoing dramatic narration. As a result, the characters – Rosina in particular – gain a new degree of realism and break with the usual archetypes. Damiano Michieletto’s giddying production embraces this perpetual motion and carries in its wake the happy couple formed by Lawrence Brownlee and Pretty Yende..

The Barber of Seville

The Barber of Seville

23-year-old Gioachino Rossini completed his masterpiece IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA incredibly quickly – legend has it in just 13 days – which Rossini attributed to ‘facility and lots of instinct’. The opera, characterized by youthful energy and bold wit, has all the ingredients for comic chaos: an imprisoned young woman, her lecherous guardian and a young noble suitor. Skilfully plotting behind the scenes is Figaro, an irrepressible and inventive character in whom many have seen a resemblance to the young Rossini himself. The score fizzes with musical brilliance, from Figaro’s famous entrance aria to the frenzy of the Act I finale. This recording sees Joyce DiDonato (Rosina) bring literal meaning to the old theatrical motto Break a leg! She did just that in an earlier show but was determined to finish her commitment and was re-staged into the production to allow for the additional challenges that come when a leading lady in a lively physical role must wheel around the other performers....

Il Barbiere di Siviglia

Il Barbiere di Siviglia

Live performance from Schwetzinger Festspiele, 1988. What sets this IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA apart from all others available is its elegant realism. None of its visuals are the least bit cartoonish or blatantly designed for comedy. Dr. Bartolo’s house is a stark, stern-looking structure of plastered brick with a comfortable yet plain, white-curtained interior, while the costumes are highly realistic 18th century garb in subdued colors. Yet despite its fairly austere appearance the production is delightful, thanks to its performers and staging. The stage business is lively, witty and free of excessive slapstick, and every singer brings his or her character to life, all offering rich, vibrant characterizations that strike a perfect balance between comedy and humanity..

Il Barbiere di Siviglia

Il Barbiere di Siviglia

Live performance from Zürich Opera House, 2001. “Vesselina Kasarova’s Rosina turned this Barber into a major event. Pearling coloratura, endless resources of vocal colour and nuance and phenomenal acting versatility became mere means to an end: that of making Rosina into a human being of flesh and blood, with heart, humour and considerable brains..

Le barbier de Séville

Le barbier de Séville

Mise en images du célèbre opéra de Rossini (1816) ..... A Séville, au XVIIème siècle, Bartolo, riche vieillard décide d'épouser sa jolie pupille Rosine, amoureuse du Comte Almaviva, qui vit sous leur toit pour une courte période ......