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Jimmy a besoin de 900$ pour régler une dette de jeu, mais une série de mensonges amène Ray à essayer de trouver de l'argent auprès d'un ami qui lui doit de l'argent..

Shore of his life

Shore of his life

The film tells the life story of the famous Russian scientist, researcher, traveler and pioneer Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay. The film shows the most interesting moments from the life of a scientist and his travels. Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay was the first to land in New Guinea, getting acquainted with the aborigines, their customs. Among the natives of New Guinea, Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay lives for several years. The scientist also falls in love with the daughter of the Vice President of Australia, the film shows the relationship between Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay and his lover..

Tableau de famille

Tableau de famille

Mariés depuis dix ans, Massimo et Antonia, une biologiste à Rome, mènent une existence heureuse jusqu'au jour où ce dernier décède dans un tragique accident de voiture. Sombrant dans la dépression, Antonia découvre que son mari entretenait depuis sept ans une liaison secrète avec un homme, Michele. Elle part alors à sa rencontre..

My Rosy Life, His Rosy Passion

My Rosy Life, His Rosy Passion

When Otoya confesses that he is married, Junpei cannot hide his anger of being betrayed. However, Otoya says it is a fake marriage. He met his wife through matchmaking because of his father. She is emotionally unstable and an alcoholic. But he gets to use her to cover his gay identity. One day, Junpei goes to Otoya's house and meets his wife when he is out. It leads to Otoya suggesting Junpei to move in and become his roommate....

Paul Rusch: His Life and Dream

Paul Rusch: His Life and Dream

An animated film about Paul Rusch, an American missionary who helped build churches, schools, hospitals in Japan and overall helped improve life in rural areas of Japan along with soothing post-WW2 relations between the two countries..

Picture of His Life

Picture of His Life

World renowned wildlife photographer Amos Nachoum has one final photographic dream remaining - to photograph a Polar Bear underwater, while swimming alongside it..

Frantz Fanon, Une Vie, Un Combat, Une Oeuvre

Frantz Fanon, Une Vie, Un Combat, Une Oeuvre

C’est l’évocation d’une vie aussi brève que dense. Une rencontre avec une pensée fulgurante, celle de Frantz Fanon, médecin psychiatre, d’origine antillaise, qui va penser l’aliénation du peuple noir. C’est l’évocation d’un homme de réflexion qui refuse de fermer les yeux, de l’homme d’action qui s’est dévoué corps et âme pour la lutte de libération du peuple algérien et qui deviendra par son engagement politique, son combat, et ses écrits, l’une des figures de la lutte anticolonialiste. Avant d’être emporté à l’age de 36 ans par une leucémie, le 6 décembre 1961. Son corps sera inhumé par Chadli Bendjedid, qui deviendra plus tard président algérien, en Algérie, au cimetière des Chouhadas (cimetière des martyrs de la guerre). Avec lui, sont inhumés trois de ses ouvrages : "Peau Noire, Masques Blancs", "L'An V De La Révolution Algérienne" et "Les Damnés de la Terre"..

His Life's Match

His Life's Match

Gunnar Gawell is mason on a building but also a very good football player. He gets a chance to play for the the national team against Denmark. Gunnar is offered a bribe if he allows the Danish team to win the match..

The Race of His Life

The Race of His Life

Social Democratic election film. Young Lasse is unemployed and drawn to the Communists. However, he comes to the Social Democratic fold after heroically capturing a saboteur. He falls in love with young Greta, whose father is a nimble master tailor who knows how to put both communists and citizens in place..

To Each His Own Life

To Each His Own Life

The days go by dizzyingly for the girls who work at the cabaret ´El Paraíso´. However, on New Year's Eve, in the heat of the glasses and cigarette smoke, they narrate their hapless destinies.