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I'll Fly Away

I'll Fly Away

I'll Fly Away is an American drama television series set during the late 1950s and early 1960s, in an unspecified Southern U.S. state. It aired on NBC from 1991 to 1993 and starred Regina Taylor as Lilly Harper, a black housekeeper for the family of district attorney Forrest Bedford, whose name is an ironic reference to Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan. As the show progressed, Lilly became increasingly involved in the Civil Rights Movement, with events eventually drawing in Forrest as well. I'll Fly Away won two 1992 Emmy Awards, and 23 nominations in total. It won three Humanitas Prizes, two Golden Globe Awards, two NAACP Image Awards for Outstanding Drama Series, and a Peabody Award. However, the series was never a ratings blockbuster, and it was canceled by NBC in 1993, despite widespread protests by critics and viewer organizations. After the program's cancellation, a two-hour movie, I'll Fly Away: Then and Now, was produced, in order to resolve dangling storylines from Season 2, and provide the series with a true finale. The movie aired on October 11, 1993 on PBS. Its major storyline closely paralleled the true story of the 1955 murder of Emmett Till in Money, Mississippi. Thereafter, PBS began airing repeats of the original episodes, ceasing after one complete showing of the entire series..

L'Envolée Sauvage

L'Envolée Sauvage

A la mort de sa mère, Amy, âgée de treize ans, part vivre chez son père, dans une ferme du Canada. Elle sauve de la destruction des œufs d'oie sauvage. Les oisillons, lorsqu'ils naissent, la prennent pour leur mère et ne suivent qu'elle. Au point que, pour leur apprendre à voler, Amy se met a l'ULM, avec l'aide de son père qui met au point la machine. Au moment de la migration hivernale, Amy doit guider la troupe de ses amies vers le sud..

Fly Away

Fly Away

The poignant yet humor filled story about a single mother of a teenager severely impacted by autism, forced to reckon with her daughter's future. As her child becomes an adult, what used to work, no longer does. What will sustain her daughter, and herself? A parent-child love story, when love means letting go..

I'll Fly Away

I'll Fly Away

In a city known for its jazz and its blues, the Homecoming Friends share the gospel with New Orleans concertgoers. As these southern saints go marching in to the Saenger Performing Arts Center, a landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places, familiar Homecoming faces and some new faces bring good news to those who have the blues..



Thomas passe ses nuits en boites et ses journées au lit, jusqu’au jour où son père, le docteur Reinhard, lassé de ses frasques, décide de lui couper les vivres et lui impose de s’occuper d’un de ses jeunes patients. Marcus a douze ans et vit seul avec sa maman. Il souffre depuis sa naissance d’une maladie grave qui rythme ses journées, entre le centre d’accueil médicalisé où il est scolarisé et des séjours répétés à l’hôpital. Cette rencontre va bouleverser le quotidien de l’un et de l’autre, et tout simplement changer leur vie..

Lil Gaither: I'll Fly Away

Lil Gaither: I'll Fly Away

1. I'll Fly Away 2. I wonder How It Felt 3. Can't Stop Talkin' 4. Pirate Mode 5. I've Got that Old Time Religion in My Heart 6. I'm Trying To Get Something Goin' 7. When the Saints Go Marching In 8. The Old Landmark.

Fly Away With Me

Fly Away With Me

When Angie moves into her “no pets allowed” building, a parrot arrives unexpectedly. New neighbor Ted and the dog he’s secretly sitting try to help her find the bird’s owner without being caught..

Saigon 68

Saigon 68

Carl Danton est photographe de guerre. Il n'hésite pas à se mettre en danger pour pénétrer au coeur de l'action et rapporter des images saisissantes des conflits armés. C'est donc tout naturellement qu'il est envoyé au Viêtnam pour prendre des photos des combats. Carl est bientôt chargé de couvrir une vaste offensive menée par l'armée américaine. Dans un village, il fait la connaissance de Mai, une jeune femme avec qui il se lie d'amitié. Afin de conserver son intégrité de journaliste, Carl est bien vite contraint d'outrepasser certaines règles. Au même moment, une honnête famille vietnamienne est poussée à la corruption....

Fly Away Peter

Fly Away Peter

Director Charles Saunders' low-key domestic comedy, adapted from A.P. Dearsley's play, centers on a middle-aged London couple who react in different ways as their four children grow up, fall in love and make career choices..

Spread My Fuzz and Fly Away

Spread My Fuzz and Fly Away

Gábor has long been unable to cope with the boredom of everyday life and the overwhelming burden of tasks. He wanders a little more than he should and accidentally gets lost in another dimension. He must gather all his knowledge to return to the present and complete a very important task..

I'll Fly Away: Then and Now

I'll Fly Away: Then and Now

Lilly Taylor returns to her hometown for the first time in thirty years, where she remembers the dramatic events that led to her leaving, and learns what became of the Bedford family she used to work for..

Fly Away

Fly Away

Annegret vient d'arriver à la maison de retraite et déjà elle attire l'attention de M. Tiedgen. Comment cette femme, jadis forte et fière, est-elle soudainement devenue si découragée? Pour lui prouver que les dernières années sont encore pleines d'espoirs et de projets à réaliser, il la kidnappe avec d'autres pensionnaires pour une excursion improvisée..

Fly Away with Me

Fly Away with Me

Fireworks are used in protest to advocate for prison abolition in "Fly Away with Me" by Maude Matton, Amina Mohamed and Nikki Shaffeeullah. Told through the monologue of a prison drone, the insidious labour of state surveillance is enacted through the mantra 'surveil, contain, protect.'.