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Felix est un légendaire fauteur de troubles qui est expulsé de son lycée mais avec l’aide de ses amis, il va tout tenter pour éviter que ses parents ne l’apprennent..

Expelled from Paradise

Expelled from Paradise

Dans un futur lointain où la Terre a été ravagée, la race humaine vit dans un monde cybernétique où seule leur conscience existe. Accompagnée de sa combinaison mécanique lui offrant une force accrue, Angela est une enquêtrice vivant dans le monde cybernétique qui va aller sur Terre et découvrir la seule règle qui régit sur cette planète, la survie !.

Carmen Got Expelled!

Carmen Got Expelled!

Carmen Got Expelled! was a television series pitched to Disney Television Animation in 2010 that only remained as a pilot episode consisting of a fully-animated intro sequence and a color animatic. The series was to revolve around Carmen, a rebellious young girl who has been expelled by every school she takes part in until she meets The Baron, owner of a private academy he enrolls her into, and must do whatever is takes to avoid being expelled again..

Expelled from the Kanto Mob

Expelled from the Kanto Mob

In the late Taisho era. Umeshima Jinbei, the president of the Kanto Umeshima Kai, divided the area into the Kuroda family to the south and the Takeuchi family to the north in order to protect the security of Kame no Ii, which had opened up in place of the Yoshiwara brothel that had been burnt down in the earthquake, and had the Kuroda family rule their respective territories. Chichibu Yasaburo, the small head of the Kuroda family, had a good reputation as the mainstay of the family and was trusted by his boss Mankichi, but Furuno, who was in love with Mankichi's daughter Mie, who was in love with Yasaburo, informally informed the Takeuchi clan and took out Mankichi's seal and borrowed money from Takeuchi in the name of Yasaburo to line his pockets..



Un groupe de professeurs doit se défendre contre des enfants assassins lorsque leur école subit un siège pendant des heures....