

Comment faire pour télécharger Ecstasy gratuitement



Trois histoires invraisemblables et délirantes : un auteur de roman rose qui tombe dans la pornographie la plus infâme, des handicapés qui montent une organisation vengeresse et des décalés sociaux qui se prennent pour Roméo et Juliette....



ECSTASY is a contemporary and relevant film about how drugs transcend all borders of society and affect every facet of our lives. But when it leaves it takes away your soul. A new party drug arrives on the rave scene in a college town and is consumed openly by young people. It's irresistible making you feel invincible, beautiful, intelligent and loved. This haunting psychological thriller centers around a mother's struggle to save her daughters from going down the same dark path she once took, a handsome jock's (Charlie Bewley, from "Twilight - New Moon") misplaced faith in God stemming from the temptations that surrounds him, and three college girls horrific experience with their drug-induced guilt, fears and demons.



Alexander 'Sasha' Shulgin is the scientist behind more than 200 psychedelic compounds including MDMA, more commonly known as Ecstasy. Considered to be one of the greatest chemists of the 20th century, his vast array of discoveries has had a profound impact on psychedelic research. 'Ecstasy' explores the world of these scientists; their findings and motivations, their ideas, and their beliefs..



Director/photographer Sandro once again enlists John Malkovich for his latest short film “Ecstasy.” The latest piece is a gritty vignette featuring the beloved actor as the feral character Vinny. With Sandro’s camera playing a two-way mirror, the viewer witnesses an unsettling one-on-one moment with Vinny spouting vicious invective to his own craggy visage, leering and mugging in a filthy club bathroom..



A short comedy film about a disabled father and his son's crazy attempt to buy drugs so that the dad can dance with his wife on her birthday... one last time..



He would do anything to be touched by his former lover once more. Ecstasy is an exploration of the coalescence of love and violence..



A mystical sci-fi based on Saint Teresa de Avila's writings. Inside a ghostly mausoleum, these nuns are being affected by a black hole..

Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy

Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy

Au temps de la dynastie Ming, Wei Yangsheng est un jeune érudit voulant profiter de sa jeunesse pour rechercher le plaisir sexuel ultime. En accompagnant un ami voir une jeune fille dont le père a engagé leur mariage, il fait la connaissance de Tie Yuxiang dont il tombe, tout comme elle, immédiatement amoureux. Au grand dam de l'ami précédemment engagé avec elle, les noces sont prononcées. Toutefois, leur épanouissement sexuel n'est pas gagné ! Wei Yangsheng entame alors une quête de tous les plaisirs qui l'amène à rencontrer le Prince de Ning, un despote à la vie dissolue grâce auquel il ira jusqu'aux extrêmes limites de l’amour physique. Malgré cette course effrénée, son amour pour Tie Yuxiang jamais ne l'abandonne. Tout ceci semble trop beau… mais c'est trop tard que Wei Yangsheng découvrira qu'il s'est lui-même jeté dans un piège machiavélique….

L'Extase et l'Agonie

L'Extase et l'Agonie

Rome, 1508. Michel-Ange est chargé par le pape Jules II de peindre les fresques du plafond de la Chapelle Sixtine. Cédant tour à tour à la passion fébrile et au découragement, le peintre génial supporte mal le comportement despotique du pape. L'affrontement entre les deux grands hommes est inévitable....

A Thought of Ecstasy

A Thought of Ecstasy

August 2019. Frank recognizes his own story of twenty years ago in a recently published book. He remembers Marie, with whom he had a relationship before she moved to the United States and disappeared from his life. Frank sets out in search of her and finds himself in a USA petrified by a heat wave and lost in suspicion and political paranoia. He heads into the desert in pursuit of Marie..



Une jeune femme mariée a un vieil homme impuissant succombe aux charmes d'un jeune ingénieur. Le suicide du vieux mari sépare les amants..