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Do Not Watch

Do Not Watch

A cautionary tale of madness told through the lens of an unseen Editor, who has constructed this film that unveils the events surrounding the disappearance of a post-production crew and the growing darkness that drove them insane. A decades-spanning mystery is interwoven across three timelines: a present day documentary; several missing person cases; and scientific research footage from old VHS tapes..

Weird Weird Movie Kids Do Not Watch The Movie

Weird Weird Movie Kids Do Not Watch The Movie

Weird Weird Movie Kids Do Not Watch The Movie is the second collaborative feature film between Rouzbeh Rashidi and Maximilian Le Cain. This hypnotic, visually and sonically immersive exploration of a haunted space unfolds in two parts. In the first, a woman (Eadaoin O’Donoghue) dissolves her identity into the ghostly resonances she finds in the rooms and corridors of a sprawling, atmospheric seaside basement property. In the second, a man (Rashidi), existing in a parallel dimension of the same space, pursues a bizarre and perverse amorous obsession..

And All You Do Is Watch

And All You Do Is Watch

After her daughter's fatal accident at a busy intersection, Jenni is confronted with videos on the web of Mia dying. Instead of helping, passersby were filming with their cell phones. The horrific images won't let Jenni go. Horror and rage at the gawkers' pitiless curiosity take her completely captive. There is hardly any room for her grief; instead, she obsessively searches for the accident spectators in order to confront them with the consequences of their sensationalism. She finds what she's looking for – but her first encounters don't help her. No one seems aware of any wrongdoing, or capable of admitting it. Supported by a tough lawyer, Jenni decides to take action against the sensationalists..