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Transparency, objectivity, focus and illusion are the main concerns of this film. Shot from the interior of a room from which can be seen a plant, a person’s head, raindrops on the window, houses, the sea and the horizon. The point of focus and the film’s exposure are continually changed and are set into flux with each other while simultaneously the image is superimposed onto itself allowing even the slightest difference between sequences (of time and image) noticeable, bringing into question the very act and accuracy of cinematic depiction..



Shot on 16 mm and in color, Distancing documents the logistics and poetics of Miko Revereza’s decision to leave the United States and return to the Philippines..

Le Daily Show

Le Daily Show

Trevor Noah et l'équipe de la plus fausse information au monde abordent les plus grandes histoires de l'actualité, de la politique et de la culture pop..

Distancing Socially

Distancing Socially

Composed of a series of short vignettes that share a telecommunications application as a common thread, Distancing Socially focuses on loosely connected human interactions taking place virtually across a world in lock down..

Mother Distancing

Mother Distancing

The relationship between "Bam", a discordant daughter and "mother" who is a doctor, may change. When her mother became at the highest risk in the COVID-19 situation..

La plus grande distance

La plus grande distance

Il y a six ans, Su Ying a été trahie par son premier amour. Totalement dévastée, Su Ying n'a eu d'autre solution pour surmonter son chagrin d'amour que de se jeter à corps perdu dans son travail. En tant qu'architecte d'intérieur, il était facile pour Su Ying de trouver d'autres choses à faire, jusqu'à ce que le destin fasse revenir dans sa vie son ancien client, Qin Yun Sheng. Médecin urgentiste ayant besoin d'une rénovation majeure de sa maison, Yun Sheng avait fait appel aux services de Su Ying il y a des années de cela. Aujourd'hui, pour la rénovation de la maison, ils sont à nouveau réunis. Su Ying commence à remarquer que son cœur, longtemps brisé, s'est remis à battre. Se demandant si Yun Sheng ne serait pas l'homme qui l'aiderait à surmonter la douleur du passé. Mais elle se rend compte que son cœur ne bat toujours que pour sa petite amie, tragiquement décédée. Avec suffisamment de temps, de patience et de guérison, ces deux cœurs brisés apprendront-ils à battre à nouveau ?.

The Child in the Distance

The Child in the Distance

Miyako participates in a 1 night and 2 days hiking tour of Mount Fuji. Ryoichi Nozawa is the guide for the hiking tour team of Miyako, Shintaro Kondo, Someno Aoyama and Ai Mitsuke. While hiking through Mount Fuji, Someno looks back and sees Miyako is crouced down and has her hands covering her face. Ryoichi tries to talk to Miyako, but she is frozen. Miyako sees the faint shape of person. Miyako realizes that she has a daughter named Natsuki..

Roundabout, The Shortest Distance Is Round

Roundabout, The Shortest Distance Is Round

Haruto is a freshman and a loner high school student until the arrival of the new teacher Aoyama. Aoyama cares for Haruto and starts to exchange letters with him, as something more grows inside both of them. But one night, an unexpected kiss ends their beautiful relationship. Three years later, Haruto has become a male prostitute in order to pay back his debts, when he reunites with Aoyama by chance..

Social Distancing

Social Distancing

After two years of living in Korea, the Covid pandemic led Cherry to return to Hong Kong. Creating a YouTube channel will make her want to increase the number of followers. When weird things start happening all around her, she blames it on the existence of virtual ghosts and asks for help to try to exorcise them..

Love ⇄ Distance

Love ⇄ Distance

It is early summer in 2020 at a time when social interaction is restricted and many people are spending time at home. Six people living in an apartment building meet and find themselves relating to each other. Two of them are a couple who have been married for three years – Takiguchi Miwa, a magazine editor who works from home, and her husband Akira, a video producer. They look forward to each day despite the changes in their lives. Akira’s daily routine is to watch the videos of a popular trio on NewTube. The three members actually live on the same floor of the apartment building. Asano Chiaki, a young photographer who lives next door, lost his job due to the coronavirus. He has been spending his days taking photos from the rooftop or verandah, capturing beauty amid the mundane daily life. One day, when he steps out onto the verandah, he sees Miwa watering her flowers on the verandah next door and is attracted to her..



Trois ans après la disparition tragique et volontaire des membres d'une secte obscure, quatre amis, tous parents de victimes, se retrouvent le jour anniversaire de la tragédie sur les lieux même où celle-ci a commencé : un endroit paisible et reculé, une petite maisonnée coincée entre la forêt et l'eau reposante d'un lac. En chemin, ils croisent Sakata, un jeune homme qui appartenait à la secte... et qui l'a quittée juste avant le massacre. Le pèlerinage va alors prendre une tournure inattendue..