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On the run from a New Jersey crime family, two brothers wend their way to Los Angeles, where they make their dream of owning a restaurant a reality. But their life in hiding life becomes complicated when their lives are torn apart by their love for the same woman..



Madeleine de Beaupré, belle voleuse internationale, réussit à subtiliser en France un collier de perles fabuleuses et s’enfuit vers l’Espagne. Sur la route, elle croise un ingénieur de Detroit en vacances, Tom Bradley, et le retrouve un peu plus loin, au moment de franchir la frontière. Craignant d’être fouillée, elle glisse le collier dans la poche du touriste ingénu. Après être passés tous deux sans encombres en Espagne, Madeleine entreprend la conquête de Tom afin de récupérer son butin, en feignant une panne de voiture….



A psychopathic serial killer dumps a bottle of the expensive new perfume 'Desire' on each of his female victims. Grace Lantel fears that her new creation might become discredited. She charges her security officer, ex-cop Lauren, to help the police investigating. One of the main suspects is former employee Gordon Lewis, who claims to be the real inventor of the scent. Lauren approaches him undercover... and falls for him, putting herself into deadly danger..



Desiré est un maître d'hôtel stylé et impeccable, doublé d'un séducteur auquel ne savent pas résister ses maîtresses. Cependant l'inconstance de ces dames motive ses changements de places. Le voilà au service du ministre Montignac qui vit avec une bien jolie maîtresse. Cette fois c'est Desiré qui tombe amoureux de la belle demi-mondaine..



Odette Cléry engage un valet de chambre impeccable et très stylé, Désiré. La nuit, Désiré et Madame Cléry rêvent l'un de l'autre : situation embarassante et inavouable. Seulement voilà, ils rêvent tout haut !.



Several interconnecting stories of love, loss, desire and despair, among both gay and straight characters. The main story concerns Anna, a successful but lonely novelist, who falls for Finola, a vivacious young writing student, who is involved with the troubled Cindy. Paul, keen on Anna, is pursued by Martin; and Evan and Skye, a young couple, experience problems..



Sexy hijinks are in store for an adult film director who must deal with a difficult lead actress, an uninhibited cast and crew, and money woes..



Si en 2050, les accouchements ne représentent plus qu'une simple formalité, celui qui doit donner naissance à Désiré se révèlera particulièrement douloureux....



One man. One job. But in the desert, nothing is simple. Presenting Desire, created in collaboration with Ridley Scott Associates.



Désiré, valet de chambre stylé, entre au service d'une actrice, maîtresse d'un Ministre. Malgré les convenances, Désiré tombe amoureux de sa patronne, ce qui lui est déjà arrivé par le passé... Mais cette fois-ci, à son corps défendant, Mademoiselle n'est pas insensible à ses charmes....



The movie tells a tale of a young Filipino woman who believes that her American father has died, but gets romantically involved with a man who might possibly be her father.Bessie is a young woman who was raised by her widowed mother, who tells her that her American air force father died in a car accident shortly before her birth. As Bessie nears graduation, she rebels against the plans of her devoted mother. Being strong-willed and romantic, she dreams of a challenging career and plans to seek out her late father's relatives in America. To earn money for the trip, she works as a model/dancer in a Manila disco. During one of her performances she meets Joe Hale, an American, who is in Manila to work in a friend's advertising firm. Joe and Bessie are attracted to each other, but before the attraction is acted upon, Bessie discovers that Joe might be her father. An investigation into the past is launched in order to find the truth about Bessie's parentage..



Si en 2050, les accouchements ne représentent plus qu'une simple formalité, celui qui doit donner naissance à Désiré se révèlera particulièrement douloureux....



Stockholm resident Hampus is selling himself to other men, but not primarily to make money. Seeking something deeper, it dawns on him that the relationships with the men are neither mutual nor equal..



A small robot is created and sets out into the world, happily performing his simple tasks. Suddenly, in a small but profound way, the world, as he knows it, changes. What follows is a downward spiral of jealousy, resentment and unrestrained desire. This animated musical short features Rob Fetters" pop-rock gem, "Desire.".



Sexuality in Germany from 1910 to 1945: beginning with back-to-nature mountain camps and schools that fused athleticism, same-sex intimacy, and nudity; the openly-gay bars during the Weimer Republic; and, Nazi suppression of male and female homosexuality. Historians discuss pedagogical Eros, Hirschfeld's theories and his institute of sexual science, and the Nazi's Paragraph 175, which outlawed homosexual behavior. Survivors describe intimidation and interrogation, the flight of friends, Himmler's edicts, and the confinement and death in concentration camps of gay men and women. The documentary ends at Amsterdam's monument to gay victims of the Holocaust..



Independent videomaker, Julie Gustafson, invites a diverse group of teenage girls from New Orleans to make autobiographical videos exploring their developing sexuality and identity. An unprecedented long-term collaboration, DESIRE weaves together the girls’ video work, the stories of their changing lives, as well as the family, social and economic contexts in which their desires and choices are shaped..