

Comment faire pour télécharger Date Night gratuitement

Crazy Night

Crazy Night

Pour tenter de rompre la routine qui s’installe dans leur couple, Phil et Claire Foster décident de passer une soirée extraordinaire dans le restaurant le plus en vue de Manhattan. Sans réservation, ils n’ont d’autre choix que de se faire passer pour un autre couple, les Triplehorn, afin d’obtenir une table. Mais à peine leurs entrées terminées, leur imposture est dévoilée par des gangsters impitoyables à la recherche des Triplehorn. Les Fosters sont obligés de fuir pour sauver leur peau, et se retrouvent alors plongés dans une série improbable d’embrouilles à travers la ville. C’est le début d’une nuit démente qui va leur permettre de faire exploser, entre autres, la monotonie de leur couple… Une chose est sûre : ils ne sont pas prêts d’oublier cette soirée..

Double Date Night

Double Date Night

Follow best friends and housemates Vic and Riley as they navigate their newly implemented Wednesday night Double Date Nights: the low-budget solution for Riley's desire to subdue her social anxiety, and Vic's desire for midweek hookups with various cute girls..

Date Night

Date Night

Awoken by the hand of a devious man, a young woman finds herself in a horrifying position. Bound to a table and unable to escape, she must beg for her life as the menacing killer draws her nearer to his blade..

Date Night

Date Night

When three fidelity phobic misfits find themselves in the same cafe, their love and hate for all things romance related make them far more similar than they think..

Date Night

Date Night

Andrei works at a car-wash. Due to a series of unfortunate events he gets fired. This is terrible news for Andrei, as he is getting married soon. At home he and his future wife argue and Andrei invents a story in order to avoid the fight. Who knew this was going to be a bad idea?.

Date Night

Date Night

After the end of their long marriages, two 50-somethings are totally out of their comfort zone in terms of getting back into the dating scene. But through an unorthodox encounter, the strangers reconnect with their child-like nature motivating the reluctant duo to give the idea of romance another chance..

Date Night

Date Night

Date Night starts off with a romantic night out between Lota and Femi. All appears well between them for a minute. Then sets in the witty dialogue of gods and myths which gives us a sense of something being off..

Date Night

Date Night

Des célibataires en quête d’amour ont décidé de se faire aider de leurs proches pour trouver l’âme sœur via une application de rencontre. Physique, personnalité, statut social... Nos célibataires et leur entourage vont tout analyser des profils qui leur sont proposés et découvrir qu’on n’est jamais trop nombreux pour trouver la perle rare. Mais tandis que certains vont rencontrer le grand amour, d’autres pourraient bien vivre une énième désillusion....

Nuit infernale

Nuit infernale

Jim Travis est un étudiant qui, pour payer ses études, est chauffeur de limousine. Un jour, il prend la défense de Sonia, agressée par son violent petit ami. Quand Jim lui propose de la raccompagner chez elle, un 4X4 les prend alors en chasse et tente de les pousser hors de la route. Jim évite l'accident. Mais quand ils repartent, le 4X4 réapparaît. La course-poursuite reprend, se transformant en un duel mortel....

Date Night

Date Night

Franka and Greg, a French woman and an Irish man in their 50s get ready for their first date. They are anxious and try their best to hold their nerve. However, once they meet, things calm down, and an honest, vulnerable, and moving exchange of secrets, confessions and profound truths follows. They are clearly immensely compatible and a great match. But at the peek of their meeting, something changes..

Date Night Live

Date Night Live

Viewers get a fly-on-the-wall look at dates taking place in real time in cities across America. In-studio hosts bounce around from city to city, offering their own commentary on all the awkward conversations and cringe-worthy moments they witness while checking in with each pair of daters..

Giulia Doesn't Date at Night

Giulia Doesn't Date at Night

Guido, an acclaimed author, leads an idyllic life with his beautiful wife and teenage daughter. But despite his seemingly perfect existence, Guido's restless search for inspiration leads him into the arms of Giulia, a charming and mysterious swim instructor, who is hiding a secret from her past..