

Comment faire pour télécharger Danny Boy gratuitement

Danny Boy

Danny Boy

Soldier Brian Wood, is accused of war crimes in Iraq by the human rights lawyer Phil Shiner. The two men go head to head in a legal and moral conflict that takes us from the battlefield, at so-called Checkpoint Danny Boy, to the courtroom and one of Britain’s biggest ever public inquiries, the Al-Sweady Inquiry..

Danny Boy

Danny Boy

A remake of Oswald Mitchell's own 1934 production, a story of Jayne Kaye (Ann Todd), a successful singer in America who returns to Britain during the Blitz to find her ex-husband and son who have fallen on hard times..

Danny Boy

Danny Boy

A young poet falling in love. A city that awaits a drama to unfold. A time of sadness and conformity, a time of decisions. There is light, there is hope, there is poetry behind the dark clouds of our world..

Danny Boy

Danny Boy

A U. S. Marines dog is returned to his young owner in the small town of Monrovia at the end of WWII, but a grouchy neighbor believes the animal's military training makes him a threat to the community and files charges to have the dog destroyed..

Danny Boy

Danny Boy

Old-school Francis and his new-school accomplice Danny have it all planned out: a heist to make them rich, thanks to inside information that their friend Stevie B has provided. Only plans are apt to change, along with Francis and Danny’s relationship, when homophobic attitudes and murderous tendencies meet in a head-on collision. Stevie B said they'd make a killing, he never said they'd get along....

Danny Boy

Danny Boy

On the morning of September 11, 2001 in Brooklyn, New York, a young man's court sentencing is unexpectedly postponed and he's given one last chance for redemption..

Danny Boy

Danny Boy

Set on VE Day 1945, Danny Boy is a riveting silent film that explores parallel narratives of grief and joy on one tremendous day in American History..



En cette année 2057, le soleil se meurt, entraînant dans son déclin l’extinction de l’espèce humaine. Le vaisseau spatial Icarus II avec à son bord un équipage de 7 hommes et femmes dirigé par le Capitaine Kaneda est le dernier espoir de l’humanité. Leur mission : faire exploser un engin nucléaire à la surface du soleil pour relancer l’activité solaire….