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Fire City: End of Days

Fire City: End of Days

Vine, a disillusioned demon, is forced into a choice to save his brethren or an innocent human girl. Demons have been living secretly among humans for centuries. It was a fragile balance that has now been shattered when their life source is destroyed. The demon population must rise up and take all necessary steps for survival or their species will cease to exist. The battle for the Earth has begun. Vine, a disillusioned demon, secretly lives with others of his kind in the world of humans sustained by their misery. Forced into a choice to save his brethren or an innocent human girl, the delicate balance between human and demon kind is threatened, which may result in war..

City Day

City Day

The crazy comedy "City Day" tells about one day in the life of the inhabitants of the provincial Lyubyakino. Celebrating the City Day, people did not notice that the president himself had planned the working trip through the town. Sudden news plunges everyone into shock and creates chaos: the mayor, the district police officer, the priest and other heroes from this place, lost in the outback, forgotten by God and progress, must, in the shortest possible time, bring the city, actively celebrating, as the last time, into a decent look, in a hurry to mask the problems from the view from the guarded cortege and to depict that this is a place of high culture of everyday life..

All in a Day: The City

All in a Day: The City

Documentary film, without commentary, looking at events in Sheffield on 5th September 1973. Steelworkers retire, babies are born, there are fashion shows and council meetings, crashed lorries and policemen on the beat..

Dark Days in Monkey City

Dark Days in Monkey City

Dark Days in Monkey City is an Animal Planet documentary about the lives of wild Toque Macaques in Sri Lanka. In the tradition of Meerkat Manor it followed the stories of individual primates, but differed from earlier shows by adding special effects and transitional animation. It was devised as part of Animal Planet's strategy to re-brand itself as an "entertainment" network. Its entire 13 episode run was broadcast in 2009..

Resident Evil : Bienvenue à Raccoon City

Resident Evil : Bienvenue à Raccoon City

Ce nouveau chapitre de la saga Resident Evil, situé en 1998, dévoile enfin les secrets du manoir Spencer et de la ville qui fut autrefois le siège florissant du géant pharmaceutique Umbrella Corporation. Depuis le départ de la toute-puissante entreprise, Raccoon City a sombré jusqu’à la ruine, et une menace terrible rôde dans l’ombre. Lorsque le mal se réveille, Claire et Chris Redfield accompagnés de Jill Valentine unissent leurs forces pour tenter de découvrir la vérité sur Umbrella, en espérant voir le bout de la nuit....

A Day in the City

A Day in the City

A dadaist explosion that starts as a typical Hollywood travelogue of Stockholm and ends in the city's total destruction by fire and dynamite. This is a hilarious anarchist film; made by the then unknown Hulten now director of Stockholm's Museum of Modern Art. In a particularly subversive scene, the fire engine, arriving at a fire, goes up in flames..

Les derniers jours d'une ville

Les derniers jours d'une ville

2009, Le Caire, Egypte. Khalid filme l’âme de sa ville et de ses habitants. Leurs visages et leurs espoirs. Quand la ville s’embrase, dans les prémisses d’une révolution, les images deviennent son combat. Les images du Caire, mais aussi celles de Beyrouth, de Bagdad et de Berlin, que lui envoient ces amis..

Mekakucity Actors

Mekakucity Actors

La trame principale suit Shintarô Kisaragi, un adolescent reclus chez lui depuis deux ans maintenant. Devenu accro à Internet, il parle surtout à Ene, un programme informatique sous forme de jeune fille installé sur son ordinateur depuis qu'il a ouvert un mystérieux mail. Après une mauvaise plaisanterie d'Ene, Shintarô se retrouve dans l'obligation de sortir de chez lui, ce qui l'amènera à rencontrer les membres de la Mekakushi Dan..

All Esper Dayo! Special Edition - Esper, Go to City

All Esper Dayo! Special Edition - Esper, Go to City

High school student Yoshio Kamogawa suddenly gained the power to read other people's minds. One day, he receives mail from Sae Asami in Tokyo asking for his help. Yoshio Kamogawa loves Sae Asami. Yoshio Kamogawa goes to Tokyo and infiltrates the high school where Sae Aami attends. Yoshio Kamogawa then becomes involved in a strife between 3 different groups as he tries to save Sae Asami. Shizuka Tachibana also falls in love with Yoshio Kamogawa..

City of crime

City of crime

A la demande de son frère cadet, Roy Egan participe au braquage d'une grand bijouterie de Palm Springs. Le hold-up réussit. Mais, au moment du partage, un des membres du gang abat froidement ses coéquipiers, a l'exception de Roy qui parvient a s’échapper. Il n'a alors plus qu'une obsession, venger son frère..