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Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

On the one hand, a healthy child who has enough to eat. On the other hand, a poor, undernourished kid. On the one had, a quarter of the blue planet's children. On the other hand, the remaining three quarters..

Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun will stir memories of the happiest days in any surfers life... those uncomplicated hot sunny days... no crowds... never to be forgotten fun filled days. Filmed around the virgin coastline of New Zealand and the classic points of Northern Queensland Australia, this film is an amazing chronicle of a time now looked on as the golden years of surfing... the styles and beach scenes... the cars, people and fashions... surfing during the mid to late 60s... the New Era!.

Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

A tale of family and loyalty, love and loss, betrayal and redemption. As the Mob destroys the life of a big family and leaves them on the brink of survival, a powerful, yet secret love, burns between Marko (a gangster) and Angela - two high school sweethearts. Good fortune smiles on the family (a bohemian collective of lovable eccentrics) as they find a long-lost treasure, but Angela betrays them in the name of love by stealing it in order to save Marko's life from the Mob. In the end, everyone reaps what they sow, and their love ends inauspiciously..

Children of the Sun - Wild Bees & Butterflies

Children of the Sun - Wild Bees & Butterflies

Bees and butterflies play an important role in the pollination of plants and the production of crops for human and animal consumption. The buzzing of the bees and the vibrant colours of butterflies are the staples of the tranquillity and raw beauty of the countryside – a place which beguiles the eyes and calms the soul. But with the hustle and bustle of modern day life, we tend to neglect the microscopic worlds embedded within our own; the symbiotic relationship between their worlds and ours..

Enfants du Soleil

Enfants du Soleil

L’ascension et la chute des Maya, des Incas et des Aztèques, trois civilisations précolombiennes dont la grandeur et les mystères n’en finissent pas de fasciner..

Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

A routine look at the indominatible spirit of impoverished young boys in Morocco, this drama by Jacques Severac also does not ignore the rather oppressive conditions under which the boys live. In one story, a little fellow has set his heart on buying a sewing machine for his mother. Like the other shoe-shine boys, his goal of saving up money is almost impossible to meet yet after much travail he is finally able to get her a machine. Sadly enough, his triumph is destined to be short-lived when the much-desired sewing machine is broken in an accident. Undaunted, the lad decides the only thing for it is to start again from scratch..

Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

Deti solntsa is a version of Children of the Sun by Russian writer Maxim Gorky, written in early 1905 and premiered on October 25 of the same year at Petersburg's Kommissarshevskaya Theater..

Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

Four stories of real heroes who faced diagnoses such as cerebral palsy, autism and Down syndrome. The story tells what difficulties people with disabilities struggle with every day, about those for whom life is a struggle, a constant test. They overcome difficulties with their own perseverance, hard work and willpower..

Les enfants du soleil

Les enfants du soleil

Ferdinand Faure, our hero, comes up from Aix-en-Provence to join the Cartoucherie Theatre company along with his pals : Jean-Claude, a brash, self-assured Parisian, and Max, a teacher of American literature, Provencal to the bone, and in love with his flighty wife, Bernadette. At the Cartoucherie, director Ariane is surrounded by a motley crew including one Clémence, who walks the high wire while juggling with clubs..

Les Enfants du Soleil

Les Enfants du Soleil

Les Enfants du Soleil est un téléfilm de la RTA diffusé en 1991. Réalisé par Mohamed Ifticene il retrace la vie rude d'adolescents de la Casbah d'Alger pendant la période d'avant-guerre de libération nationale 1946-1954..

The Children of the Sun

The Children of the Sun

Arno is a painter having an idyllic summer romance with dancer Helja on the picturesque coast of North Estonia when an unexpected visitor appears – a well-off young woman Margot. She tempts Arno to join her to have a good time at a resort town. Helja stays where she is and starts missing Arno. Northern summer is short – but long enough in order to realize one's feelings..

Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

A pro-Japanese film in which a teacher at a school in an island village gives her students a comprehensive education, encouraging them to also volunteer to enlist in the Imperial Japanese Army..

Les Enfants du soleil

Les Enfants du soleil

A Téhéran, Ali, 12 ans, et ses amis, sont embauchés par un criminel dangereux pour trouver un trésor enfoui caché à proximité d'une école. Pour y accéder, les enfants doivent s'inscrire à l'école et grâce à l'éducation, ils commencent à découvrir un trésor différent : celui présent en eux..