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C'è tempo

C'è tempo

After the death of his estranged father, professional rainbow-watcher Stefano finds out he has a 13-year-old half-brother, and that he must become his legal guardian to receive the inheritance..



Tsanko, un cantonnier d’une cinquantaine d’années, trouve des billets de banque sur la voie ferrée qu’il est chargé d’entretenir. Plutôt que de les garder, l’honnête homme préfère les rendre à l’Etat qui en signe de reconnaissance organise une cérémonie en son honneur et lui offre une montre... qui ne fonctionne pas. Tsanko n’a qu’une envie : récupérer la vieille montre de famille qu’on ne lui a pas rendue. Commence alors une lutte absurde avec le Ministère des Transports et son service de relations publiques mené par la redoutable Julia Staikova pour retrouver l’objet..

C'est arrivé demain

C'est arrivé demain

Larry Stevens, journaliste à l'Evening News, rencontre par hasard un journaliste retraité qui lui remet un journal, il découvre avec stupéfaction qu'il s'agit d'un journal prémonitoire : daté du lendemain et annonçant des évènements à venir....

A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time

Meg and Charles Wallace are aided by Calvin and three interesting women in the search for their father who disappeared during a government experiment. Their travels take them around the universe to a place unlike any other..

There's No Time for Love, Charlie Brown

There's No Time for Love, Charlie Brown

Most of the Peanuts gang is having trouble at school, but none more than Charlie Brown. In fact, he is told that he needs an "A" on a field trip report on an art museum or he will fail his grade. Unfortunately, Peppermint Patty, over-tired by Marcie waking her up at 4:00 in the morning, inadvertently distracts Charlie Brown and his sister from their group and they all mistake a neighbouring supermarket for the Art Museum. Even as they try to understand why all the displays are for sale so cheaply, Patty's weariness and her own ambivalent feelings about Chuck causes her to blurt out some hurtful comments about him. Now, Charlie Brown is going to have to realize his basic mistake in his report, while Marcie and Peppermint Patty search for a way of making amends to the boy they both secretly like in their own way..

La dangereuse aventure

La dangereuse aventure

Jim Ryan se retrouve au chômage lorsque la construction du tunnel sous l'Hudson River est interrompue. Il rencontre Katherine Grant, une photographe, qui lui propose de travailler avec elle....