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Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

Décidé à gagner un maximum d'argent afin de sauver le restaurant de son père, Owen part à la conquête de Hollywood. Il découvre la cité de tous les plaisirs, ses soirées torrides et ses boîtes de nuit branchées. Il y fait la connaissance e Lisa, petite fille trop gâtée. Owen n'aime pas beaucoup cette vie superficielle, faite de sexe, d'alcool et de scandales. Mais il est tombé sous le charme de Lisa, et la jeune femme adore ce mode de vie sans aucune limite..

Bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up!

An incompetent boarding school headmaster, Professor Jim Edwards, devises a bizarre plot to raise the profile of his boarding school, and thus save his job, by passing off his bookie's son as a Middle Eastern prince. The headmaster's madcap scheme is further complicated when an official from the Foreign Office arrives and announces that a real prince is to be placed under Edwards supervision, not due to the schools lofty reputation, but that a gang of kidnappers are unlikely to look for the regal child there..

Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

Promoter "Smoothie" King helps a pair of phonies con their way into a movie company. As Wanda heads toward stardom, she turns more and more from King toward the matinée idol. King must decide between his plans and her happiness..

Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

A skinny, virginal mechanic is taken into erotic captivity by three lovely nymphs who decide to give him an enlightening course in sex education. Their goal: to transform a naive nerd into a sexual dynamo for the voluptuous Gerttie..

Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

On the surface, “Bottoms Up” is a documentary film that examines the newest booming trend in aesthetic surgery – big butts. Placed under a microscope, the film explores the media’s impact and other societal pressures that have propelled big butts from a cult fetish to a mainstream phenomenon..

Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

A scientist discovers a way to turn cow manure into energy. Two secret agents are dispatched to find out the formula but they devote more time to having sex with each other than they do going after the scientist. Pretty soon everyone in the area is after the scientist but they also wind up spending more time having sex with each other..

Bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up! is a little anomaly in the field of Korean documentary films, which tend to lean toward grander themes. After watching this film, which captures moments of bar talk, you will be wondering whether the scenes are real or directed..

Top Down, Bottom Up

Top Down, Bottom Up

"Dealing with the tensions between work and leisure, nature and culture, the industrial fabric and community, these three films demonstrate how the supposed opposition between these pairs gives way to a subtle interweaving that generates an unusually complex portrait of a social group. Open iron pit mines in the Austrian Alps, hydropower stations in the Atlantic-Pyrenees, and other mountainous locations in the Basque Country harbor floating concert stages, helicopter and motorbike TV transmission units, exhausted bike riders and shouting aficionados, enduro racers, rally cars, flying models, and do-it-yourself soap boxes. All of these mechanized bodies in direct contact with landscapes actively transfigure the territory." Anthology Film Archives on the Vázquez/Arrieta films..