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The Chef

The Chef

« Magic Friday » : le vendredi avant Noël, la soirée la plus fréquentée de l’année. Dans un restaurant gastronomique de Londres, côté cuisine, à quelques minutes du coup de feu, tout le personnel est en ébullition. Mais les problèmes s'accumulent autour du chef étoilé Andy Jones et de sa brigade. S'ajoute à cela la pression constante d'une clientèle toujours plus exigeante qui menace de mener le restaurant à sa perte….

Boiling Point

Boiling Point

Eight months after her mentor Andy Jones suffered a heart attack, Head Chef Carly is battling to forge a name for new London restaurant Point North alongside her old kitchen crew. With the pressure to draw in new, hungry customers and the financial squeeze to keep the business profitable, the team must find a way to manage their complicated personal lives whilst creating quality food day in, day out..

L'Extrême Limite

L'Extrême Limite

Red Diamond sort de prison et entraîne son compagnon de cellule Ronnie sur un coup : revendre des faux billets. Ronnie procède à l'échange puis abat son contact. Lequel n'était autre que Russo de la brigade financière, meilleur ami et parrain du fils de l'inspecteur Jimmy Mercer. Bravant ses supérieurs, ce dernier n'aura de cesse de le venger....

Ramsay's Boiling Point

Ramsay's Boiling Point

Following a dispute with his business partners, Chef Gordon Ramsay walks out of Aubergine and spends the most intense months of his life as he opens his first restaurant in Royal Hospital Road in Chelsea..

Beyond Boiling Point

Beyond Boiling Point

In this six-part fly-on-the-wall documentary series, we follow Gordon Ramsay through the most intense year of his life as he copes with his celebrity status and juggles cooking with the ever increasing demands on his time from beyond the kitchen..

Boiling Point

Boiling Point

During the busy run-up to Christmas, a single-take snapshot of the immense stress and skills of a talented head chef reveals that things are about to burst behind the restaurant's flash façade..



Pour avoir décoché un coup de poing à un yakuza énervé par sa lenteur, Masaki, jeune pompiste quelque peu hébété, se retrouve dans une situation délicate. Effrayé par les conséquences de son acte et les menaces de destruction qui planent sur la station-service, il demande de l'aide à l'entraîneur des Eagles, l'équipe amateure de base-ball dans laquelle il joue. Ce dernier, lui-même ancien yakuza se fait vertement recevoir et humilier par le chef du gang. Livré à lui-même, Masaki part pour Okinawa avec Kazuo, un de ses coéquipiers, à la recherche d'une arme pour se protéger..

Boiling Point

Boiling Point

An RNZ documentary on the violent end of the occupation at Parliament grounds. On 2 March 2022, police cleared hundreds of people from a sprawling occupation and protest in the area around New Zealand’s Parliament. The conclusion of the three-week occupation was angry and violent. Previously unseen footage gives fresh insight into the rage that overtook some people. And eyewitness accounts take us back to the chaos, confusion and shock of it all..

Boiling Point

Boiling Point

Investigating instances of police brutality, voter suppression, school segregation, environmental racism and mass incarceration throughout American history, and the impact those injustices have had on equality..

UFC 54: Boiling Point

UFC 54: Boiling Point

UFC 54: Boiling Point was a mixed martial arts event held by the Ultimate Fighting Championship on August 20, 2005, at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.. UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Chuck Liddell makes his first title defense against the man who handed him his first ever defeat – Jeremy Horn. The undercard features the return of Randy "The Natural" Couture, the UFC debut of The Ultimate Fighter winner Diego Sanchez, and a highly anticipated welterweight match-up between Georges St. Pierre and Frank Trigg..

Boiling Points

Boiling Points

We dress up our actors, create stressful situations, hide our cameras, and set the clock. If our victims can keep their cool for the designated time, they win the cash. If they hit their boiling point early, they're out..

The Boiling Point

The Boiling Point

Jimmy's uncle gives him 30 days probation on Kirk's ranch to control his temper or lose his inheritance. There he gets tangled up with a gang of robbers whose boss is his rival for Kirk's daughter. With one day left in his probation, they goad him into a fight..

ROH: Boiling Point

ROH: Boiling Point

Boiling Point was a professional wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on November 7, 2009 at the Inman Sports Club in Edison, New Jersey..

ROH: Boiling Point

ROH: Boiling Point

Boiling Point 2012 was a professional wrestling Internet pay-per-view (iPPV) event produced by Ring of Honor (ROH) which took place on August 11, 2012 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, Rhode Island. Dark Tag Team Match: The Bravado Brothers vs Jorge Santi & Mike Sydal Singles Match: Roderick Strong vs Mike Mondo Four Corner Survival Match: QT Marshall vs Antonio Thomas vs Matt Taven vs Vinny Marseglia Proving Ground Match: Adam Cole vs Bob Evans Singles Match: Charlie Haas vs Michael Elgin Relaxed Rules Tag Team Match: The Briscoes vs SCUM Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match: Jay Lethal vs Tommaso Ciampa Mixed Tag Team Match: Eddie Edwards & Sara Del Rey vs Maria Kanellis & Mike Bennett ROH World Title No Disqualification Match: Kevin Steen (c) vs Eddie Kingston.

Boiling Point

Boiling Point

Boiling Point (original title Kiehumispiste) describes the different reactions the Finnish people had to the large immigration amounts in 2015-2016..