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Blood Creek

Blood Creek

En 1936, le Troisième Reich envoie à Town Creek, aux États-Unis, l’expert Richard Wirth à la tête du grand projet de recherche en occultisme d'Hitler. Plus de 70 ans après, Evan Marshall est à la recherche de son frère aîné Victor qui a disparu dans la région. Victor réapparaît la nuit suivante et, sans aucune explication, prend les armes pour traquer ses ravisseurs. Evan découvre alors que les nazis sont toujours présents à Town Creek....

Blood Creek

Blood Creek

According to a popular magazine, the 58th spookiest place in the world is the Ashbrooke Barn in the small town known as Blood Creek. Local legend states that if you perform a specific ritual in the barn and the old house up the road, you'll see visions of Zeke Ashbrooke, a farmer who went mad and hung himself, his wife and children. Rumour has it that Zeke's wife - now known as The Dark Lady - still roams the woods of Blood Creek. This summer five young campers will venture to Blood Creek and accept a dare that could cost them their lives..

Blood Creek Woodsman

Blood Creek Woodsman

The small Oregon town of Oak Creek was shaken to the core when logger Bud Kindrick lost his mind and went on a killing spree after discovering a terrible secret. Now, nearly a year later, the killings have begun again and echo those committed by Kindrick, who had been dubbed the Blood Creek Woodsman. The town Sheriff, his estranged wife, his deputy and a pushy reporter must get to the bottom of what's going on while the bodies pile up around them..

Sexsquatch: The Legend of Blood Stool Creek

Sexsquatch: The Legend of Blood Stool Creek

Joey Jeremiah's friends have gathered near Blood Stool Creek for a party weekend to throw their ambitious friend a ""get laid"" party. Teens... woods... beer... sex... what could possibly go wrong? Well the wooded area that plays host to their good times houses a sinister beast. He's blood thirsty, intelligent, eloquent, covered in hair, and HORNY as hell... it's SEXSQUATCH!.