

Comment faire pour télécharger Bits

Bitter Sweet Hell

Bitter Sweet Hell

En tant que psychiatre de célébrités mariée à un chirurgien accompli, No Yeong Won (Kim Hee Sun) semble avoir une vie idyllique, mais son monde parfait s'écroule lorsqu'elle découvre que son mari, Choi Jae Jin (Kim Nam Hee), a une liaison avec Lee Sae Na (Yeonwoo), une femme mystérieuse dont l'arrivée soudaine met en branle une série d'événements tragiques. Cherchant désespérément des réponses, Yeong-won fait équipe avec sa belle-mère, Hong Sa Gang (Lee Hye Young), pour sauver sa famille d'une ruine absolue. Ce palpitant drame à mystères sud-coréen de 2024 a été réalisé par Kim Seung Woo..

Sing a Bit of Harmony

Sing a Bit of Harmony

Shion est une adolescente qui vient d'être transférée au lycée Keibu. Elle devient rapidement populaire grâce à sa beauté, sa personnalité et ses talents sportifs. Elle cache toutefois un secret... En effet, elle est une IA en phase de test. L'objectif de Shion est d'apporter du bonheur à la solitaire Satomi. Comment Shion s'y prendra-t-elle pour aider Satomi ?.

Bits and Bytes

Bits and Bytes

Bits and Bytes was the name for two Canadian television series, starring Billy Van, who teaches people the basics of how to use a computer. The first series debuted in 1983 and the second series, called Bits and Bytes 2, in 1991. The first series also included popular comedian Luba Goy as the instructor to Van. The intro sequence featured a montage of common computer terms such as "ERROR", "LOGO" and "ROM", as well as various snippets of simple computer graphics and video effects, accompanied by a theme song that very heavily borrows from the 1978 song Neon Lights by Kraftwerk. The series were produced by TVOntario. The Writer-Producers of Both Bits and Bytes and Bits and Bytes 2 were Denise Boiteau & David Stansfield. The original series featured an unusual presentation format whereby Luba Goy as the instructor would address Billy Van through a remote video link. The video link would appear to Luba who was seated in an office on a projection screen in front of her. She was then able to direct Billy who appeared on a soundstage with various desktop computer setups of the era. Popular systems emphasized included the Atari 800, Commodore PET, Tandy TRS-80, and Apple II. Each episode also included short animated vignettes to explain key concepts, as well as videotaped segments on various developments in computing. In the new 1991 series, Billy Van assumed the role of instructor and taught a new female student. As a decade had passed, the new series focused primarily on IBM PC compatibles running DOS and earlier versions of Windows, as well as the newer and updated technologies of that era..

Bitter Blood

Bitter Blood

Sahara Natsuki vient d'entrer dans la police, la tête encore pleine d'idéaux de justice. Mauvaise surprise pour lui, il est affecté dans le même commissariat de Ginza et dans la même section que son père Shimao Akimura qu'il n'avait plus vu depuis plusieurs années et le divorce de ses parents. Déjà pas très emballé par l'idée de retrouver son paternel à qui il reproche d'avoir laissé tomber sa famille, Natsuki apprend en plus qu'ils vont devoir faire équipe tous les deux. La paire de flics la plus improbable du Japon vient de naître, pour le plus grand plaisir de leurs collègues qui se font une joie de les taquiner..

The Littl' Bits

The Littl' Bits

The Littl' Bits is a Japanese anime television series with 26 episodes, produced in 1980 by Tatsunoko Productions in Japan. First shown on TV Tokyo, its Saban-produced English translation was featured on the children's television station Nick Jr. from 1991 to 1995 alongside other children's anime series such as Adventures of the Little Koala, Maya the Bee, Noozles, The Mysterious Cities of Gold. Due to their similar size and naming scheme, an analogy is often drawn between the Littl' Bits and the Smurfs..

Instant de bonheur

Instant de bonheur

Gitano Sabatoni s'attache à son petit quartier et à sa dernière pièce qu'il ne veux plus quitter. Avant de mourrir, il aimerait règler une histoire avec une femme de son passé. Il charge son petit-fils, Gennaro, de jouer les intermédiaires..



Channel 4's cult late night review show which was originally shown on 4Later before getting a (less risque) morning slot on T4. It's a computer gaming show whose reviewers were three women who actually knew their stuff. Each week featured an unconventional theme running through the show backed up by news, previews and reviews..

Adam Buxton's Old Bits

Adam Buxton's Old Bits

Here's a brand new show from Adam that we recorded in the BFI in London earlier in the year. It's hilarious. It was one of those nights where we had such a good time we couldn't wait to share it with you all. The show was a best-of compilation of Adam's favourite routines from the past few years. In it, he talks about real life struggles that we can all relate to - working from home whilst trying to avoid the internet. Luckily for us he doesn't manage to keep away from it for too long, as we get to see his search history looking at the work of some beloved performers together with the views of the YouTube commentary community. When relaxing away from the internet we are also treated to a selection of videos that Adam has made that give a pretty good insight into his home life. He even says 'my wife' in a robot voice..