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Des histoires effrayantes sur la poursuite du rêve américain et sur la façon dont le vernis peut s'effriter de façon dramatique et se terminer par un meurtre commis par un membre de la famille, un collègue, un amant ou un ami en qui l'on a confiance..

La Main droite du diable

La Main droite du diable

Cathy, jeune debutante du F.B.I., est chargée d'enquêter sur l'assassinat d'un animateur de radio de Chicago connu pour ses emissions provocatrices. Ses recherches la conduisent auprès de Gary Simmons, pacifique fermier, ancien combattant du Vietnam. Cathy tombe bientôt amoureuse de cet homme tranquille qui lui semble bien inoffensif. Mais Gary qui n'arrive pas a abattre un cheval blesse va lui reserver de bien grandes surprises quant a ses points de vues idéologiques et sa froideur devant ceux qu'il considere comme ses ennemis..

Voyage au-delà des vivants

Voyage au-delà des vivants

Pays-Bas, au printemps 1943. Un colonel néerlandais, Deventer, est fait prisonnier par les Allemands puis libéré par des résistants hollandais. Les services secrets anglais lui demandent alors d'organiser cette résistance et de lui donner des missions précises. Il recrute et forme un agent de liaison, Carla Van Oven : ses sentiments pour elle le font renoncer à l'envoyer en mission mais elle insiste et part contacter le chef des résistants, Foulard. Mais à partir du moment où les actions sont décidées par les services secrets anglais, les Hollandais tombent systématiquement dans des embuscades, qui coûtent la vie à de nombreux hommes. Le colonel est renvoyé en mission pour démasquer le traître..

Mensonges et trahisons

Mensonges et trahisons

Julie, en instance de divorce, accepte de partir en week-end à Cape Cod avec Trent, son nouvel amour. Elle ignore que Jonathan, son futur ex-mari fomente un plan machiavélique pour se débarrasser de son rival et récupérer sa femme..



In an effort to control the city the Mayor opens the doors to the Russian Mob. It is not long until he realizes they aren't going to follow his rules. To fix the problem he accepts an offer to set up the Russians and open the door for the Cartel. When the Russians find out they take the Mayors Daughter and then the real games begin..



Evan and Zach have been together for three years. On Zach's birthday Evan does something really special for him to show how much he loves him. The day of Zach comes clean to Evan about a deep dark secret he's been keeping from him that could change their lives forever..



Doug Collins has been a highly-respected analyst at the FBI for twenty-five years. He is liked and admired by all the members of his team, but they've seen changes in Doug recently: an attractive young girlfriend, working odd hours, increased frustration at work. And then there was the time he was seen texting on his Blackberry from inside the SCIF. It's all probably nothing. They know his recent divorce has been tough on him. It's not like he's a spy. But what if he is? What is the price of silence?.



It begins with the wrong girl being kidnapped. It ends with the ultimate betrayal: murder! Tina Krause and Dawn Murphy star as roommates Carol and Debbie respectively. Carol is mistakenly kidnapped instead of Debbie. In order to save her life, Carol betrays Debbie, who was the real target. Debbie is then held for ransom. But only one of the girls will survive this ordeal! If you like mini-skirts, see-through blouses, and lots and lots of rope, this one’s for you!.



Le parcours de la famille juive Braude lorsque les Juifs sont arrêtés et déportés du camp Berg, sur le navire Donau et jusqu'à l'extermination dans le camp de concentration d'Auschwitz..

JFK : un destin trahi

JFK : un destin trahi

Le cinéaste Oliver Stone revient sur les documents utilisés pour le tournage du film JFK, ainsi que sur d'autres documents qui ont été découverts depuis et revisite les zones d'ombre qui entourent la présidence et la mort tragique de John Kennedy..

Formosa Betrayed

Formosa Betrayed

In the early 1980s, an FBI Agent is assigned to investigate the murder of a respected professor. Through his investigation, he unearths a spider web of international secrets that has been thriving within college campuses across America for decades. His investigation takes him across the Pacific to the island nation of Taiwan, where with the help of the outspoken widow and an unlikely spy, he learns that the Professor's killing was not a random act, but a desperate move by a scandalous government intent on keeping its nefarious activities under wraps. Our detective soon finds himself on a collision course against the U.S. State Department, the Chinese Mafia, and the Nationalist Chinese Government - in a land where the truth is not what it seems and the only people he can trust, cannot be trusted at all. Inspired by actual events..

Melancholy of the Betrayed

Melancholy of the Betrayed

Noburu is a handsome designer who draws a high salary and has a good marriage with Aiko, whom he much loves. That is until Noburu witnesses Aiko enjoying an affair with her boss and looking very happy. Feeling betrayed, Noboru decides to get revenge on his wife..

Menendez + Menudo: Boys Betrayed

Menendez + Menudo: Boys Betrayed

Lyle and Erik Menendez infamously killed their parents in 1989. Menudo was the first mega-boy band to take the world by storm. In this explosive limited series, viewers will learn of the connection that links the two stories and could corroborate the brothers' decades-old accusations against their father, Jose Menendez. One former Menudo member could be the key to changing how the public views the brothers' case while simultaneously crusading for his own justice..

To Betray

To Betray

He is a distinguished, respected family court judge. She is an honest and principled woman who has saved many marriages from destruction, made sure that many children receive the affection and love they deserve, and has always been on the side of justice..