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Avant d'aller dormir

Avant d'aller dormir

Suite à un accident quatorze ans plus tôt, Christine est affectée d’un cas très rare d’amnésie : chaque matin, elle se réveille sans se souvenir de rien, ni même de son identité. Son dernier espoir réside dans son médecin, Ed Nasch, qui lui conseille de tenir un journal vidéo. Elle pourra ainsi enregistrer les informations qu’elle traque et se souvenir peu à peu de son passé, reconstituant progressivement le fil de son existence. Mais très vite, ses rares certitudes vont voler en éclat..

Just Before I Go

Just Before I Go

Réalisant que sa vie est un échec total, Ted Morgan décide de revenir dans sa ville natale pour affronter tous ceux qu'il juge responsables avant de mettre fin à ses jours..

Before I Go

Before I Go

A young couple must face sacrifices when one of them receives a better opportunity elsewhere, throwing the relationship into jeopardy..

Before I Go

Before I Go

Xavier and Lisa are happily married. Shortly after they were married they discovered that Lisa won't be able to have children. A terminally ill woman shares with her son, Michael, that the man she was married to may not have been his father. In fact his father may be Xavier. If Micheal decides to try to find out the truth, the pursuit might lead to disaster for all..

Before I Go

Before I Go

Frank Ryan survived the drought, he put food on the table for his children and a roof over their heads, and he raised them to be strong enough to face the world. And now he has time on his hands - We want the best for those we love, but what if we don't have the words to let them know?.

Before I Let Go

Before I Let Go

Five years ago the east side neighborhood of a town called Bad City was leveled by giant monsters called the Titans. I was recently hired by the city to document the community’s recovery efforts — and now I’m seeing just how different the road to recovery can look for a city, and for its people..

Before I am Gone

Before I am Gone

On the hotel bed, I showed my mom’s dinner banquet video to my boyfriend. We said nothing and kissed in the end, with our entwining shadows echoing my mother’s video images. My boyfriend left home without saying goodbye. I couldn’t find him. Neither did I find my mother after I returned home. She drunkenly hid herself in a storage room and sat on a chair with her head embedded in a hair dryer, like an astronaut’s helmet. I collapsed onto the doorstep when my mobile phone rang. My boyfriend told me he had left a recording on my phone filled with his love for me. The blue light in the storage room resembled a space in the universe, where love wandered in it, between me and him and between me and her. The next day, my mother and I drove to the beach. My mother might have already known my sexual orientation for a long time but never talked about it. Instead, she told me about the boy who fell in love with her in college. Suddenly, she disappeared while the sun was creeping down..

Before I Got Famous

Before I Got Famous

Meet Alex. Son. Friend. Dreamer. Budding acting career. Disastrous love life. You might see him at your next audition, but he won’t be up for the next stereotype. Gay. Asian. Cast. He is so much more than what society defines him as. He is the next big thing..

Before I'm Gone

Before I'm Gone

After being diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, racecar driver Dave Smith gets back behind the wheel. At 70 years old, he sets out to win his home town’s race, the infamous Canada 200..

Miles To Go Before I Sleep

Miles To Go Before I Sleep

Short documentary chronicling the true story of famed musicians and the relationships they have with their roadies. Features music legends Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Chris Shiflett (Foo Fighters) and the crew of Pearl Jam..

And Miles to Go Before I Sleep

And Miles to Go Before I Sleep

In 1993, Grateful Dead took the stage at Buckeye Lake Music Center in Hebron, OH. On hand that night was Peter Shapiro, at the time a Northwestern film student spending a month on summer tour alongside cameraman Philip Bruell. The Buckeye Lake show opens and the Heads document the swelling Dead scene..

Before I am Gone

Before I am Gone

On a silent midnight, the woman who killed her husband with her own hands was walking down the street in a state of despair. She accidentally met another woman who demanded that she pay for her murder. So they have to travel together to the ocean–the destination she has chosen for herself to die. Along the way, secrets buried for years are revealed one by one, and the relationship between the two gradually becomes more and more delicate..

Before I Was A Good Person

Before I Was A Good Person

The film is about our innate and instinctive kindness before we become good persons. It relates in detail the transformation of the concept of BEING GOOD and the EVIL within that concept. It is the struggle of a humane character that has faced hardships and is now homeless. In time he also gets stuck in the ordinary concept of kindness. It tells the story of the destruction, imbalance and clashes that humaneness and conscience, kindness and wickedness cause in our lives, how they turn those lives into a black comedy..