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Le docteur Martin passe un entretien d'embauche dans un établissement psychiatrique. Le médecin-chef, le Dr Rutherford, lui propose de passer un test tout sauf classique. Si Martin parvient à identifier l'ancien directeur de l'établissement parmi quatre patients, il décrochera l'emploi. Il est donc contraint d'écouter leurs histoires plus horrifiantes les unes que les autres..



Asylum is a British comedy series which was shown on Paramount Comedy Channel in 1996. Set in a mental asylum, it ran for one series of six episodes. Unlike traditional sitcoms or comedy television shows, it was to some extent an opportunity for stand-up routines by various comedians, mixed with an overall story involving much black humour. It is significant for involving a large number of British comedians, many who have gone on to work on some of the most successful comedy programmes of the last decade. It marked the first collaboration of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson, who would go on to make cult sitcom Spaced. Many of the characters names were the same as those of the actors who portrayed them. David Devant & His Spirit Wife were the "house band" for the series, performing segments in every episode, from their first album, Work, Lovelife, Miscellaneous. The lead-in track "Ginger" served as the programme's title music. The series has yet to be released on DVD; however, the full episodes are viewable on Norman Lovett's website..



Un groupe d'étudiants découvrent que le dortoir dans lequel ils sont logés est un ancien asile, hanté par un scientifique fou....



Dans la campagne anglaise des années 50, Stella se morfond auprès de son mari, Max Raphael, brillant psychiatre, et de leur fils Charlie. Un jour, elle rencontre un des patients de l'asile, Edgar Stark, un ancien sculpteur chargé de restaurer la serre de l'établissement. Elle tombe très vite sous le charme de cet homme interné pour avoir tué, puis défiguré, son épouse par jalousie. Le Dr Cleaves, un collègue de Raphael, l'avertit des dangers qu'elle encourt, mais Stella est prête à tout risquer pour vivre cette histoire d'amour....



Inspired by the true stories of whistle-blowers claiming asylum, Asylum is a satirical comedy about a government whistle-blower and a millionaire internet entrepreneur trapped together in the London embassy of a fictional Latin American country. Dan Hern is a serious, self-important egotist who is accused of leaking important documents. After a year in the El Rican embassy Dan is bored, depressed and has no hope of getting out - his only chance is to push his case in an interview with the Guardian. The embassy staff are struggling to attract people to the annual embassy ball, as Dan is old news and nobody wants to come. The Ambassador's oily son decides to offer sanctuary to another international fugitive named Ludo Backslash: a larger-than-life, childish hacker and internet pirate, who set up a file-sharing website and became public enemy number one among the global entertainment community..



Robert Patrick stars as a private investigator traumatized by his father's suicide who goes undercover in a mental institution to uncover the murderer of his psychiatrist..



In an attempt to figure out the root cause of the fractured relationship between her and her son, Mrs. Abiodun surprises Tunde in the US with a visit, only to find him shacked up with Nadir..



A veteran hostage negotiator's next call leads him to an overrun insane asylum. He soon finds that dark forces are pushing the patients to commit atrocities, and he may be the only one that can stop them..



Asylum is a film very much derived from chaos, expressing implicitly the ideas conjured up by its title. A strange mix of both documentary and fiction, where in the future a group of people are looking back at the twentieth century. A virus has wiped out most of the culture of the twentieth century, leaving just fragments of a project called 'The Perimeter Fence' to be pieced together. These fragments make up a documentary about an exiled group of disparate yet similar minds..



A woman risks everything to try and protect an asylum seeker in a totalitarian society in which all borders are militarized..



A documentary crew lives with the schizophrenic residents of a group home based upon radical psychiatrist R. D. Laing's controversial approach to healing through compassion and freedom..



Collaged images without dialogue show the drama of a young woman from Darfur who has sought refuge in London. Persecuted by the memories of violence suffered and disoriented by the large city, the young woman contemplates suicide..



A 13-year-old boy has recently been abandoned by his mother and is trying to discover his past as well as his future..



Among the countless asylum seekers who have clawed their way to the U.S. are two families -- Angel Ramos and his toddler son, and Elmer Gomez and his daughter. For more than a year, the filmmakers captured the two fathers' dreams, prayers, and realities. Asylum is a rare and intimate look at their journeys through some of their most vulnerable moments -- revealing that, even after the harrowing roads that brought them to the country they once dreamed of, their path to asylum is long and often elusive..



Baba, a young Ghanaian woman, goes in search of her father for his blessing on her impending marriage. This turns to a nightmare as he insists she a different man, and that she undergo female genital mutilation as is the custom in his tribe. She is forced to flee her father's village, seeking refugee status in the U.S. Instead she becomes enmeshed in the U.S. immigration system..



This feature documentary follows three newly arrived people in Canada and their experiences with the Canadian Refugee process. As claims are assessed and paperwork is double checked, we begin to examine exactly who can be considered a refugee..



Jack, a young thug, mingles with a bunch of hard boiled gangsters and tries to outsmart them. He ends up tied to a tree on a chain like a dog. A new adventure begins, not the one he had wished for..