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Les Passionnées

Les Passionnées

Un dentiste marié est mêlé à une relation sexuelle avec la meilleure amie de sa fille adolescente. Pendant ce temps, la santé mentale de sa femme se détériore et sa fille cherche désespérément une liaison..



Sílvia Nogalis a concert pianist prefers her career to marriage. On the night when she performs "Appassionata" by Beethoven she receives news of the suicide of her husband, the master Walter Hauser..



Based on a WW II legend: A German soldier awaiting his doom in the pocket of Stalingrad spots an undamaged piano in the no-man's land between the lines. The urge to play one more time becomes irresistible. -Appassionata- is inspired by an army postal service letter send by a German soldier from Stalingrad to his wife. The movie tells of the short moments in which soldiers try to escape the demons of war - of those rare instants in which longings and emotions out dare the maelstrom of daily cruelty and humanity wins over the frenzy of war..



Pianist Alena Cherny has been living in Switzerland for 15 years. She has a dream: she wants to donate a grand piano to the music school of her Ukrainian hometown. The grand piano's journey becomes a moving search for clues in the places of her childhood and youth. Alena Cherny lets us take part in the many farewells, new beginnings, catastrophes and contrasts that she experienced. A film about the migration of a strong woman; full of sorrow, anger, enthusiasm, and love..

Passionate song

Passionate song

Lucia Spinelli, orphaned by both parents, is taken as a housekeeper in the house of Mrs. Carla Parodi, when she reaches the age of majority, the young woman is almost forced to marry Mrs. Carla's brother. After the marriage and the birth of the first child, Parodi's intrusions on the life of the two spouses continue..



"Elena" cannot marry the man she loves, so enters into a loveless marriage with the wealthy "Andrea". Gradually she falls in love with him, but he never reciprocates. Things become further complicated when a letter from her first love "Carlo" is discovered..



This story is based on the novel "Jo no mai" by Tomiko Miyao which is based on the life of painter Shōen Uemura (1875–1949), the first woman to be awarded the Order of Culture. The title refers to the masterpiece bijinga ("picture of a beautiful woman") that Uemura painted at the age of 61. The main character, Tsuya Shimamura, is born in Kyoto as the second daughter of a tea trader who dies before her birth. Tsuya, who loves painting more than anything and is hopeless at housework, attends art school and at age 15 receives the name Shōsui (from the characters for "pine" and "green") from her teacher. The crown prince of England purchases one of her works, propelling her to fame overnight. The novel portrays the remainder of her stormy life, during which she is impregnated by her teacher and raises a fatherless child; through it all she devotes herself to her painting, undaunted..

La Mélodie du bonheur

La Mélodie du bonheur

En Autriche, Maria est une jeune femme qui se prépare à devenir religieuse dans une abbaye bénédictine située à Salzbourg. Son couvent l'envoie en tant que gouvernante de sept enfants, dans la famille d'un veuf, le capitaine Georg Ritter von Trapp. Au début, les enfants se montrent hostiles et espiègles. Elle tient bon, tout en leur enseignant le chant. Bientôt, elle leur sert d'amie et de confidente..



The story of Takeha, a free-spirited genius poet who lived through Taisho Romanticism, and the women who gave themselves over to his ambitions..

Fanny Ardant : naissance d'une passion

Fanny Ardant : naissance d'une passion

Portrait de la célèbre actrice française Fanny Ardant, qui a travaillé avec de grandes figures du cinéma comme Agnès Varda, Alain Resnais, Michelangelo Antonioni, Sydney Pollack et, surtout, François Truffaut (1932-84), avec qui elle a eu une relation sentimentale et dont la mort a marqué le reste de sa vie..