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Afin de réaliser un documentaire sur une peuplade inconnue d'Amazonie, l'anthropologue Cale et son équipe s'enfoncent dans la jungle. Ils portent secours à Paul Sarone, chasseur de serpent dont l'embarcation est en panne. Il profite de la faiblesse de Cale pour prendre le commandement de l'équipe et s'enfoncer plus avant dans la forêt, à la poursuite du plus grand des reptiles, l'anaconda, qui broie ses victimes avant de les gober tout entières..

Angéla Anaconda

Angéla Anaconda

Préparez-vous pour Angela Anaconda, une série animée extrêmement originale et incroyablement irrévérencieuse pour enfants qui suit les aventures d'une fille géniale nommée Angela et son groupe de copains tout aussi farfelus. Angela vit la tache de rousseur et se met à genoux dans la petite ville de Tapwater Springs..



After being cat-fished into an online sexual encounter, a college student flees a horrific vision of a stranger who might be blackmailing him with a non consensual recording..

Anacondas : À la poursuite de l'orchidée de sang

Anacondas : À la poursuite de l'orchidée de sang

Un groupe de scientifiques décide de s'embarquer dans un voyage périlleux à la recherche d'une orchidée très rare qui pourrait détenir un sérum pour préserver la jeunesse. Ce qu'ils ne savent pas, c'est que des prédateurs extrêmement cruels ont pour mission de protéger cette orchidée et son secret..

Lake Placid vs. Anaconda

Lake Placid vs. Anaconda

Dans un laboratoire du Maine travaillant sur la mise au point d'un sérum, des anacondas , une femelle géante et deux mâles, s'échappent en laissant les grilles du parc ouvertes permettant le passage des crocodiles du Lac Noir vers le Lac Clair, lieu de villégiature où un groupe de jeunes filles se retrouvent pour leur examen d'entrée dans un club de sororité universitaire..



A struggling circus crew gets deceived by its former partner, as it embarks on a tour in Thailand. During the journey through a Southeast Asian rainforest, they encounter attacks by a giant python. They meet a mysterious man named Jeff who offers to help, but they soon realize he's a poacher. As they search for Jeff's boat, they face life-and-death struggles with the python and Jeff himself..

Anaconda: Queen of the Serpents

Anaconda: Queen of the Serpents

Anaconda - the mere mention of its name brings images of an awesome and terrifying killer snake! For Dr. Jesus Rivas and his wife, Dr Sarah Corey, anacondas represent a challenge as they try to unravel the mysteries surrounding these massive reptiles. Like most snakes, anacondas have suffered greatly from exaggeration and scary folklore. Pound for pound, the South American anaconda is the world’s largest snake. But its reputation as a killer is wrapped in myth and legend..



Inspired by the chronicle "Anacondas in the Park" by Pedro Lemebel. A experiment with time, image and montage to formulate an observational narrative in a park in Guadalajara, Mexico, when the night falls it comes back to life and the bodies meet like snakes. A dialogue with a common past of criminalization and homosexual repression in Latin America..

Rifftrax Live: Anaconda

Rifftrax Live: Anaconda

There’s riffs out there this big?? Anaconda stars a pre-fame Jennifer Lopez, a post-fame Eric Stoltz, and an Owen Wilson who even then was somehow ashamed of his role in The Internship despite it not happening for another sixteen years. With the help of Ice Cube they set off into the Amazon in search of those drones they claimed were going to revolutionize package delivery. Then Eric Stoltz gets stung and paralyzed by a venomous wasp, so things are really looking up for our crew when they encounter Jon Voight. Voight has been obsessed with hunting down a deadly anaconda ever since the snake tricked him into selling his beloved Chrysler LeBaron to George Costanza. From then on, things spiral into a deadly game of cat and mouse, one where the cat is played by a snake, and the mouse is played by Danny Trejo. And, as if that wasn't enough, at one point the anaconda spits a monkey right at a man’s face! How many movies can say that? Don’t miss out!.

Anaconda Mountain

Anaconda Mountain

Huang Shen, Lin Wei and a group of their coworkers went to Mangshan to find news to save the newspaper company they work for, from bankruptcy. Instead of the news they encountered a giant snake raised by Aunt Mei. The group was attacked several times, but were also rescued by a mysterious person, and then lured to a foggy forest which they can't escape. Huang Shen must do his best to help everyone survive and defeat the snake..

Land of the Anaconda

Land of the Anaconda

Join barefoot scientist Jesús Rivas in the murky marshes of Venezuela on his quest to understand these huge, fearsome reptiles. Up to 30 feet long, weighing many times more than the scientists studying them, anacondas are difficult subjects at best, but the National Geographic team captures brilliant footage of them swimming, resting, mating, and hunting prey..