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Alone : les survivants

Alone : les survivants

L'expérience de survie ultime, mais aussi l'opportunité d'une vie. Dix hommes, de 22 à 46 ans, sont lâchés en pleine nature, sans équipe de tournage et sans artifice. Leur mission : rester en vie aussi longtemps qu'ils le peuvent. Sur l'île de Vancouver, tous les participants sont séparés par l'eau ou par des montagnes afin qu'ils restent totalement seuls. Dans un milieu hostile qui détient le record du plus grand nombre d'attaques de pumas en Amérique du Nord, c'est chacun pour soi. Confrontés à un isolement extrême et à une détresse psychologique, ces hommes vont chasser, construire des abris et repousser les prédateurs. Le dernier survivant remportera 500 000 $..

Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex

Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex

Dans le futur, quand les améliorations technologiques du corps et la robotique sont devenues une façon de vivre, le Major Motoko Kusanagi et la section 9 s'occupent de missions trop difficiles pour la police. La section 9 emploie des hackers, tireurs d'élite, détectives et cyborgs, dans le but de contrecarrer les cybercriminels et leurs plans visant les innocents..



Jessica vient de perdre son mari. Elle entreprend de déménager dans une autre ville, désireuse de commencer une nouvelle vie. Sur la route, elle se rend compte qu'elle est poursuivie par un homme mystérieux, qu'elle croise à plusieurs reprises, et qui se montre de plus en plus intrusif. Bientôt, elle se retrouve enfermée dans le sous-sol d'une cabane, isolée au milieu d'une forêt immense....

Final days

Final days

Une terrible pandémie frappe soudainement le monde entier et Aidan se barricade dans son appartement pour se protéger des zombies qui ont envahi son immeuble. Lorsqu’il aperçoit en face une voisine, bloquée elle aussi, il décide de la rejoindre pour trouver ensemble un moyen de s’en sortir....



"Alone" follows a writer seeking peace and solitude in the countryside in an attempt to recover from tragedy and finish her book. However, as the welcoming country house turns into a living hell, she soon realizes that her inner demons are not the worst of her problems..



Onze personnes, larguées dans les régions sauvages du Canada, s'affrontent pour survivre le plus longtemps possible... complètement seules. Qui sera le dernier à se lever et à remporter le prix de 100 000 £ ?.



Kaya Torres tourne autour d'un trou noir dans une capsule, sans que personne ne vienne, personne pour l'aider. Elle est seule..



John Webb is recently widowed and living alone on the farm he and his brother used to share. He rarely sees his daughters, Jacqueline and Grace Ann, and his only company is Grey, the farm's longtime overseer. John's solitude is interrupted by his nephews, Carl and Gus Jr., who have been approached about drilling for oil on the farm. Tensions rise as John clashes with his opportunistic family..



This investigation into the layers of mass incarceration and its shaping of the modern black American family is seen through the eyes of a single mother in New Orleans, Louisiana..



Alone explores the existential pain of Ukraine through the eyes of an unlikely protagonist, one of the country’s most commercially successful pop stars. Andriy Khluvniuk, lead singer of hip-hop rock band Boombox, has millions of devoted young fans who adore him as a singer songwriter and sex symbol but know nothing of his personal turmoil caused by the political instability and military aggression in his homeland. Andriy is on a mission to raise awareness and motivate his fans to join him in taking a stand against the war in the east of Ukraine, and call for the release of Oleg Sentsov, a Ukrainian filmmaker and political prisoner in Russia. As tensions between Ukraine and Russia become a footnote on the world’s media agenda, Andriy use his fame to refocus the global spotlight on the fragile independence Ukraine is fighting for. The film culminates in an incredible sequence of events that result in Oleg Sentsov's release in a prisoner swap. Andriy and Oleg can meet each other at last..



In the aftermath of a devastating virus, a group of people try to survive each day and all that the incident has brought upon them. Only five percent of the population remain, and none of them know why they are alive, nor for how much longer they will be..



During the pandemic lock-down, A motivational speaker named Kalidas moves into the thirteenth floor of an apartment in Kochi. Soon Kalidas begins to observe supernatural elements around him and he decides to investigate..



Experience the fear as you're sucked into the disturbed mind of Alex. Tormented by harrowing voices of the past Alex searches for the one girl who can silence the horror of a tortured soul. As the quest becomes darker and more sinister Alex's fear filled stalking leaves behind a trail of dead bodies. Inspector Hannah is the detective who makes a desperate attempt to piece together the mystery as he is drawn into this terrifying journey..



People always have bad days from time to time, there's no way to escape that. But for him, every day is a bad day..



17-year old Jamie Lockford is struggling with coming to terms with his sexuality and his hidden feelings for his best friend, Chris Thompson. Chris reciprocates his feelings but it is too late. Jamie commits suicide after feeling alone and unloved for the majority of his life. In the afterlife, he discovers how Chris felt towards him and how his death had affected his loved ones, and comes to the realization that he made a grave mistake..