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Alien : Covenant

Alien : Covenant

Les membres d’équipage du vaisseau Covenant, à destination d’une planète située au fin fond de notre galaxie, découvrent ce qu’ils pensent être un paradis encore intouché. Il s’agit en fait d’un monde sombre et dangereux, cachant une menace terrible. Ils vont tout tenter pour s’échapper..

Alien : Covenant - Prologue : La Traversée

Alien : Covenant - Prologue : La Traversée

Aboard a hijacked Engineer vessel, Dr. Shaw repairs David as they make their way to the home-world of the Engineers, whom Shaw believes are humanity’s creators. 'The Crossing' is an official prologue short to 'Alien: Covenant', revealing what happened to crew members Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and the synthetic David after the events of 'Prometheus'..

Alien : Covenant - Prologue : Le dernier dîner

Alien : Covenant - Prologue : Le dernier dîner

Le prologue de Alien : Covenant se déroule à bord du vaisseau spatial Covenant, qui est en route vers une planète lointaine pour établir une nouvelle colonie humaine. L'équipage du vaisseau se compose de 14 membres, tous en couples, et d'un androïde nommé Walter. Avant de se préparer à entrer en hibernation, l'équipage partage un dernier repas ensemble..

Alien: Covenant - Prologue: She Won't Go Quietly

Alien: Covenant - Prologue: She Won't Go Quietly

"She Won't Go Quietly" depicts Daniels having to combat a Xenomorph that is loose aboard the Covenant. The video is notable in that (unlike the majority of the short films created for both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant) the events it depicts are incongruous with the feature film, and thus it clearly cannot exist within the same continuity..

Alien: Covenant - Epilogue: David's Lab - Last Signs of Life

Alien: Covenant - Epilogue: David's Lab - Last Signs of Life

David's Lab: Last Signs of Life is a 2019 short film. Created to mark the two-year anniversary of Alien: Covenant's home video release, the film is a sequel to the movie in which a Weyland-Yutani team arrives to investigate David's laboratory on Planet 4. One of the explorers enters David's laboratory to document the rogue synthetic's scientific discoveries. After carefully recording the specimens and records within the lab, including dissected Neomorphs and a vial of black liquid, he sets up his camera to analyze an egg-like object in one corner of the room while he continues his visual examination of the room. As the analysis continues, the Egg begins to show signs of life..