

Coming Home voirfilms

Le retour

Le retour

1968, Bob Hyde, un capitaine de l'armée américaine, décide de se porter volontaire pour la guerre du Viêtnam. Sa femme, Sally, reste au pays. Afin de trouver un sens à sa vie, elle devient bénévole à l'hôpital des vétérans. Là-bas elle y rencontre Luke, un ancien combattant devenu tétraplégique. Sally apprend à le connaître et progressivement, tombe amoureuse de celui-ci. Pourtant lorsque Bob reviendra, elle devra faire un choix..

Home Coming

Home Coming

Deux membres du ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères chargés de l'évacuation des citoyens chinois lorsque la guerre éclate à Numia, en Afrique du Nord..

Coming Home

Coming Home

Lu Yanshi, prisonnier politique, est libéré à la fin de la Révolution Culturelle. Lorsqu’il rentre chez lui, il découvre que sa femme souffre d’amnésie. Elle ne le reconnaît pas et chaque jour, elle attend le retour de son mari, sans comprendre qu’il est à ses côtés..

Coming Home

Coming Home

Alone and without her parents, Judith Dunbar spends her school days in a boarding school. When her friend Loveday invites her to Gut Nancherrow one day, it is love at first sight for Judith. The elegant lady of the house Diana, her husband Colonel Cary-Lewis and Loveday's siblings Edward and Athena immediately fall in love with her and treat her like family. But the outbreak of the Second World War put an end to the idyll on Nancherrow overnight. A long, thorny road lies ahead of Judith until she finally finds happiness in a family of her own....

Come Home Love: Lo and Behold

Come Home Love: Lo and Behold

Hung Sue Gan partant du bas, a créé sa propre entreprise de logistique, qui fonctionne maintenant bien. Sa seule préoccupation maintenant, ce sont ses trois filles. Sa fille aînée a immigré à l'étranger. Sa deuxième fille, Hung Yeuk Shui, a atteint l'âge du mariage, mais n'a aucun espoir de se marier de si tôt. Hung Sue Yan, le frère de Hung Sue Gan, emménage avec la famille, mettant temporairement fin à sa vie de photographe nomade. Il rejoint l'entreprise de Hung Yeuk Shui et rencontre Ko Pak Fei, le directeur d'une boutique en ligne. Depuis que Hung Sue Yan a emménagé, une série d'événements étranges se sont produits dans la famille. Après enquête, la source est retrouvée jusqu'à Lung Ging Fung, un jeune homme prometteur qui est le fils du magnat des grands magasins Lung Gam Wai..

Come Home Love

Come Home Love

MA FU, a retired employee of the HK Correctional Services Department, moved back to live with his son after retirement. MA FU treats and disciplines everyone in his family as if they were the offenders he works with in his job. His youngest son MA CHONG feels like he's in jail when he gets home, and his father is even often involved with his job as a paralegal. The father and son get into disputes daily and his elder brother MA KEUNG and his wife LO LAI SEUNG are often stuck in between and have to settle the disputes. The couple also holds the heavy responsibility of raising their kids. Three generations in the MA family all live together and encounter different situations, experiences and system of values..

Coming Home

Coming Home

The unforgettable and inspiring surprise reunions of soldiers from all five branches of the military with their spouses, children, parents and other loved ones as they return home from active duty throughout the world..

Coming Home

Coming Home

Silas is an actor. He travels to London for an important audition. But in his wait for an answer, the line between reality and his fantasies becomes thinner and thinner..

Coming Home

Coming Home

Silas is an actor. He travels to London for an important audition. But in his wait for an answer, the line between reality and his fantasies becomes thinner and thinner..

Coming home

Coming home

Comment faire quand on est fan de mode et qu'on déménage à la campagne? Ida, jeune fille de 15 ans, doit faire face à ce problème lorsque sa mère quitte son logement citadin. Mais sa rencontre avec Kehilan, un cheval sauvage, va lui faire changer d'avis sur sa nouvelle vie....

Balade Meurtrière

Balade Meurtrière

Un enseignant part explorer en famille une côte isolée de Nouvelle-Zélande. La balade se transforme en cauchemar lorsque leur route croise celle d’un psychopathe et de son complice. Mais cette rencontre est-elle vraiment un hasard ?.

Coming Home

Coming Home

It is Salve’s dream for her children to live happily after working hard to raise them alone. Now in her daughter Sally’s wedding, she feels she has accomplished that seeing her children giving tribute to her. Unknown to her, a big surprise awaits when they arrived home. An unconscious man is in their gate. Salve is quite familiar who the man is. She can never forget him – he is the man who left him years ago for another woman – her husband Benny..

I’m Coming Home

I’m Coming Home

This is a story of the deputy commander of a reconnaissance platoon. His civilian father and son were killed in 2014 in the ukraine. he left everything behind – his good job, his friends – and went to war. now in 2023 he liberates artyomovsk, leading old men women and children from under the fire. he does not feel pain any more… only the memory of who he is and what he is… he is not taking revenge on anybody… he is merely heading home..

Un Noël à Ashford

Un Noël à Ashford

Lizzie Richfield, qui est au chômage, se voit proposer par sa sœur la gérance d'une immense propriété en Virginie, sur le point d'être vendue. La jeune femme décide d'y organiser une dernière fête de Noël pour les propriétaires des lieux. Mais elle comprend rapidement que la transaction a été décidée par un seul membre de la famille, un séduisant quadragénaire..

Coming Home

Coming Home

COMING HOME is a documentary film focused on five people returning back to their Vermont communities from prison. The film focuses on the innovative COSA program (Circle of Support and Accountability) that helps reintegrate folks back into their daily lives. The COSA program is run through Vermont’s Community Justice Centers and is part of the restorative justice model..