

Comeback sokroflix gratuit

Mon Comeback

Mon Comeback

Ex-star de sitcom déchue, Valerie Cherish essaie par tous les moyens de renouer avec le succès. Devenue la vedette d'une émission de télé réalité intitulée The Comeback, elle est suivie lors de tous ces déplacements par des caméras. Le public peut donc suivre les péripéties de la comédienne..



Thomas, former successful stand up comedian will do anything to get back on the top. Unfortunately at the same time his teenage daughter demands his whole attention threatening the comeback he wants so badly....



No Love Lost shot to global fame like a shooting star and made millionaires out of its members. Guitarist Tony drank his millions and hasn't been able to play a chord in years. The guitars have been pawned and no new songs are being written. A message about singer-songwriter Katarina reaches Tony. The singer, who has been sober for a long time, has relapsed into drugs with fatal consequences. Katarina's teenage daughter Ellie, who has been placed in a family home, contacts Tony to find out about her family background. In the process, she reveals a secret to Tony that could enable No Love Lost to make a comeback and save Tony's finances. Tony decides to go to the funeral and get to know his daughter enough to get a DNA sample from her to confirm paternity - and gain access to Katarina's inheritance..



Amador is a retired and ostracized gunman. Alone and bitter, he collects newspaper clippings of his old crimes in an album. After several humiliations, he will react with violence to the world’s hostility that surrounds him while also trying to get back to action..

The Comeback

The Comeback

Aging German boxer Jürgen "The Rock" Hartenstein was once a middleweight champion. With no manager standing behind him, he is forced to train in city parks and in a dark, seedy attic in Munich with his African trainer, Markus Kone. Every week he phones matchmakers in the U.S., because he has a dream: he wants to make a comeback..



A little boy dreams of becoming a professional hockey player. Unfortunately, one day he is forced to give up on his passion. His love for sports is revived after several decades when he has his own son. While shopping for a Christmas gift for the boy, the man’s childhood memories return; the main player in them is his constantly drunk father..



Spending years behind bars changes a person. For Miro and Zlatko, two Slovak inmates, the world "out there" has slowly lost its enticing luster: "You have to reeducate yourself, they won't do it for you," says one of them. Will the road to freedom have a happy ending or lead back to a gloomy cell?.



An opera diva (Mimi Minus) makes her grand solo appearance. The individual stages of her transformation in the dressing room are celebrated with glamorous gestures. A meditative ritual becomes a trigger for the appearance of a second, identical opera diva. This one, however, immediately transforms through the deployment of the most wonderful Mattuscha animation techniques into an aged, wrinkled version of the star with less than zero glamour appeal. A Freudian dream game begins..

Elvis: '68 Comeback Special: 50th Anniversary Edition

Elvis: '68 Comeback Special: 50th Anniversary Edition

'68 Comeback Special: 50th Anniversary Edition is the definitive chronicle of the now legendary NBC-TV show Elvis. After years of making formulaic movies, Elvis was finally unleashed to perform live again on an intimate stage with his original sidemen, Scotty Moore and D.J. Fontana. Playing "That's All Right," "Heartbreak Hotel," "Lawdy Miss Clawdy," and many of his great hits, the sheer rawness and excitement of the performances attracted unanimous critical acclaim. Greil Marcus in his book Mystery Train said "If ever there was a music that could bleed, this was it." NBC-TV's Elvis is as raw and inspirational today as it was in 1968. This 50th Anniversary Edition includes all the known recordings from RCA's vault and all the videotaped performances are here for the first time on Blu-ray..

Elvis : '68 comeback

Elvis : '68 comeback

Après sept ans d’absence pour cause de carrière au cinéma – et de fameux nanars –, Elvis, 33 ans, revient pour la première fois sur scène en 1968 lors d’un show télévisé resté dans les annales. À l’époque, ses disques se font rares et, à l’heure du succès planétaire d’autres légendes, des Doors à Jimi Hendrix, le King semble appartenir à l’histoire du rock plus qu’à son actualité. Alors que le show doit à l’origine célébrer Noël sur NBC, le réalisateur Steve Binder, qui assiste aux répétitions, a l’idée inspirée de capter cet Elvis-là, au plus près de son âme et de sa musique, plutôt que de filmer une prestation cathodique formatée sous une pluie de guirlandes. Ayant réussi à convaincre la production, il enregistre dans la foulée un extraordinaire show intime en studio. Détendu, le rocker au timbre irrésistible s’y livre entièrement, entre retour aux sources – blues, gospel et rock’n’roll – et franche rigolade avec ses comparses musiciens..

Arnaque à Hollywood

Arnaque à Hollywood

Max Barber est un vieil homme qui doit des dettes auprès d'un chef de la mafia. Il décide de faire une fraude à l'assurance en choisissant une star de western suicidaire, Duke Montana, pour jouer dans un film médiocre avec l'intention de le tuer lors des premiers jours du tournage..

The Comebacks

The Comebacks

Lambeau "Coach" Fields est le plus grand looser que l'histoire du sport ait connu, mais on lui présent un poste : devenir coach de l'equipe universitaire de Heartland au Texas. Il y rencontre des éleves attentifs, mais trop sages a son gout. Il veut qu'ils aient des E et des F, que les vestiaires empestent le joint, il veut qu'ils sèchent les cours, qu'ils aient étés menacés de harcèlement sexuel... un coach pas commun...Il fait un tour en prison, il a consommé du crack, de l'extasy, du cannabis dans un shilum snifé de la peinture, acheté un faux sac Louis Vuitton avec dedans des DVD piratés venus de China Town. Finalement, ils gagnent le match final contre les Unbeatables, equipe faite de prisoniers coachée pas l'ancien ami de Lambeau.