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Gloria est une fêtarde sans travail contrainte de quitter sa vie newyorkaise et de rentrer chez elle. Quand une créature géante ravage Séoul, elle réalise peu à peu qu'elle est en quelque sorte reliée à ce phénomène..



Colossal explores the complexities of grief and the process of grieving as understood through the myth of a Man as he ventures through shifting landscapes ruminating..

Le Fantastique Homme Colosse

Le Fantastique Homme Colosse

Le lieutenant-colonel Glenn Manning est exposé par inadvertance à l'explosion d'une bombe au plutonium à Camp Desert Rock. Bien que brûlé sur 90 % de son corps, il survit et commence à grandir. À mesure qu'il grandit, son cœur et son système circulatoire ne parviennent pas à suivre le rythme de sa croissance, et il perd peu à peu la raison en raison de la réduction de l'apport sanguin à son cerveau. Il atteint une taille de 15 mètres avant que sa croissance ne s'arrête. À ce moment-là, il est devenu fou. Il s'échappe et fait des ravages à Las Vegas..

Colossal Youth

Colossal Youth

Lorsque la fille de ses rêves retourne à l'école, une adolescente romantique sans espoir tente de gagner son cœur, jusqu'à ce qu'il touche le fond et réalise que son véritable amour est là depuis toujours..

En avant, jeunesse

En avant, jeunesse

Délaissé par son épouse Clotilde, Ventura, ouvrier cap-verdien de la banlieue de Lisbonne est perdu entre l'ancien quartier délabré où il a vécu jusqu'à présent et son nouveau logement dans un bloc HLM tout juste achevé. Tous les jeunes paumés que Ventura rencontre deviennent ses propres enfants....

Colossal Squid

Colossal Squid

The colossal squid, the largest known invertebrate to roam the oceans, has long been a mystery, mostly because no living specimens had been available for study. In 2007, however, an astonished fishing crew in Antarctica made the catch of their lives. Racing against the clock to preserve the enormous creature, scientists eagerly study the fierce predator..

Colossale sentimento

Colossale sentimento

A group of visionaries decide to take a baroque a statue of Christ where it was planned to be by its sculptor, Francesco Mochi. During the trip, Christ breaks the four-hundred years silence and speaks to John the Baptist..

The Amazing Colossal Man

The Amazing Colossal Man

Story, paper- mache characters, sets, animation, camera works, editing and sounds created by 12 children, ages 6-12, at the Yellow Ball Workshop. Red Grooms and Dominic Falcone were also involved with the production.

Battle of the Colossal Women

Battle of the Colossal Women

Suzi's a nerdy scientist with a crush on Todd. But Todd's dating the dominating Liluth and doesn't even know Suzi is alive. So Suzi begins experimenting with a formula that will make her sexy and seductive. It works...too well! Suddenly 30 ft tall, she discovers new strength she never imagined possible. Liluth, jealous that this loser has such power, swallows down the rest of the formula. Soon she is huge and grabs up Todd to find Suzi. She does and they battle. But then they find themselves attracted to each other. And that's when the fun really begins!.

Colossal Cave

Colossal Cave

Plato's allegory of the cave is often read as a prefiguration of cinema. Yet this film illustrates how online gaming was born from a network of caves. The reconstruction of one couple's hobby, spending all their time in the world's largest cave system, leads us to the conception of a pioneering video game..

200 Colossal Cartoons

200 Colossal Cartoons

This monumental 4 DVD collection features a whopping 200 cartoon classics sure to please young and old alike. Featuring such popular characters as Popeye, Felix the Cat, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Gumby, Little Lulu, The Wizard of Oz, Fraidy Cat, Hunky & Spunky, Clutch Cargo, the Wizard of Oz and countless others, this gigantic collection contains over 10 hours hilariously, enjoyable animated cartoons..