


Marvel's Cloak & Dagger

Marvel's Cloak & Dagger

Tyrone Johnson et Tandy Bowen, deux adolescents issus de milieux sociaux différents, découvrent suite à leur rencontre qu'ils sont tous les deux dotés de superpouvoirs qui étaient jusqu'ici dormants et qui les lient mystérieusement l'un à l'autre. Face à leurs sentiments naissants et aux nombreuses menaces du monde qui les entoure, Tyrone et Tandy ne tardent pas à comprendre qu'ils sont plus forts ensemble et ont tout intérêt à s’allier plutôt qu’à poursuivre des routes séparées..

Cloak & Dagger

Cloak & Dagger

David Osborne, fan de jeux vidéos mettant en scène des agents secrets va se trouver confronté à des espions à la suite d'un meurtre. Jouant les apprentis détectives, il va mettre en échec des tueurs internationaux en vivant de périlleuses aventures....

Cape et Poignard

Cape et Poignard

Durant la guerre de 40, un Américain tente d'enlever un savant italien aux mains des Allemands. Ce chercheur vient de mettre au point la formule de la première bombe atomique..

Cloak & Shag Her

Cloak & Shag Her

Secret agent April Flower and her earnest if hapless sidekick Basil time-travel from London in 1969 to 2019 in pursuit of their nemesis, the evil Dr. Mean. The beautiful but evil Dr. Mean intends to take over the world by means of a love potion that causes all who take it to immediately plunge into total sexual promiscuity..

Calypso's Cloak

Calypso's Cloak

The filmmaker courts the muse of computer art. At the gods' demand Calypso grants Odysseus freedom, but gives a cloak designed to drown. The melodic constriction of Schubert's "Das Wandern" paces an emerging imposition of grid upon randomness. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2013..

Cloak Without Dagger

Cloak Without Dagger

A British Intelligence officer fails a mission during WW2. Years later whilst working in a hotel he bumps into an old flame who is desperate to discover what went wrong?.

The Green Cloak

The Green Cloak

Future Pulitzer Prize winner Owen Davis was one of the scenarists for this Kleine-Edison production. ene Fenwick stars as Ruth McAllister, one of two sisters currently being victimized by a phony hypnotist named Wilkins (Richie Ling). A murder is committed, and all evidence points to Ruth as the guilty party..

L'homme au manteau noir

L'homme au manteau noir

En octobre 1848, une jeune Parisienne, Madeleine Minot, quitte la France agitée de passions politiques et débarque à New York. Elle s'apprête à y demander au grand-père de son fiancé, le richissime Theverner, des subventions pour continuer la lutte révolutionnaire. A sa grande surprise, elle découvre un vieil homme rongé de vices et soumis à une domesticité cupide. Désemparée, elle fait la connaissance dans une auberge d'un mystérieux dandy, porté sur la boisson, un certain Dupin, à qui elle fait part de ses soupçons. Selon elle, Lorna Bounty, la gouvernante de Theverner, et Durand, son majordome, tentent de hâter la mort de leur maître en l'empoisonnant....

Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model

Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model

Nellie Horton, when mistreated by her father, is taken in charge by Thomas Lipton. She grows up in poverty not knowing her true identity as the heiress to her mother's millions. Upon the death of her benefactor, she becomes a model in a fashionable shop. There she falls into the hands of her mother's unscrupulous nephew, who contrives to do away with her in order to obtain her fortune. .....

Watchers 8: Cloak of Secrecy

Watchers 8: Cloak of Secrecy

IS THERE A CONNECTION? Are we seeing a connection between our ancient past and what is happening today? Were huge stones simply levitated into position, and do we have any modern evidence that such a thing may have been possible? WATCHERS 8 explores how today's UFO phenomena and the ancient evidence in Peru may be connected. We'll also continue with our story in WATCHERS 7 with Bill's implant..

Shadow of the Cloak

Shadow of the Cloak

Shadow of the Cloak was a spy drama live television series broadcast on the now-defunct DuMont Television Network. Helmut Dantine played secret agent Peter House. John Gay wrote some of the 36 episodes. The first episode aired June 6, 1951 and the last episode March 20, 1952. The 30-minute show aired Wednesdays at 9:30pm ET through November 1951 and then Thursdays at at 9pm ET from December until March 20, 1952. From January 1952 until the end of the run, Shadow of the Cloak alternated with Gruen Playhouse..