

Children of the Night voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Children of the Night

Children of the Night

Giulio, un jeune garçon, issu d’une famille riche est envoyé dans un internat par sa mère qui veut le rendre plus mature et moins dépendant d’elle. Dans cette prison dorée, il va découvrir d’autres jeunes issus de sa condition obligés de répondre aux exigences de cette école qui va les préparer à reprendre la fortune de leurs parents. Il rencontre Eduardo, en totale rébellion , qui va l’amener aux confins de ses limites..

Les enfants des ténèbres

Les enfants des ténèbres

Cindy et Lucy sont deux jeunes filles de 18 ans qui s'apprêtent à quitter leur petite ville (Allburg) pour aller à l'université. Pour fêter cela, elles vont accomplir une sorte de rite initiatique de passage à l'âge adulte, qui consiste à aller nager dans la crypte inondée d'une église abandonnée. Pendant qu'elles font ceci, la croix que Lucy porte autour du cou se détache et tombe à l'eau jusqu'à atteindre un corps qui reposait au fond de l'eau, celui du vampire Czakir, ce qui pour effet de le réveiller….

Children of the Night

Children of the Night

A sociology graduate student researches her doctoral thesis on female crime by interviewing street prostitutes. Shocked by her findings, she offers her own apartment to teenage prostitutes seeking refuge from the streets, many of whom are rejected by their parents and are dependent on their pimps..

Children of the Night

Children of the Night

Lors des derniers jours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le soldat britannique Jim McLeod est le seul survivant d'une embuscade allemande. Il trouve alors refuge dans une famille française à la campagne. Pourquoi cette famille est-elle si étrange et quelle est cette mystérieuse bête qui rôde dans les tranchées normandes ?.

Children of the Night

Children of the Night

A young boy tells the story of his failed suicide bombing attack as if it was a heroic episode. “If the bomb had exploded, no one would have survived.” “Did you hope so?” “Yes, I will go back someday and kill everyone while I commit suicide.” The most petrifying words flow casually from the boy’s mouth. The main characters in Children of the Night are five boy soldiers under the age of 15. These children, who are raised as “bombs of anger” by ISIS, are war criminals and at the same time victims. How are we supposed to live with these children? How can they live a life in the world? Behind the beautiful shots captured with elaborate close-ups, director Nouranipour tackles a burdensome question..

Children of the Night

Children of the Night

Silent archival footage of Jewish children during the Holocaust, accompanied by music and poetic narration. A haunting portrait of a future generation lost to cruelty and genocide..

Children of the Night

Children of the Night

A man meets prisoner Nils Gustaf Boman and asks him why he strayed from the straight and narrow. The prisoner says: "Put yourself in my position." The man does and sees before him himself as Nils Gustaf Boman..

Les enfants de la nuit

Les enfants de la nuit

Spring 1944. «Some love stories seem self-evident. Perhaps they were unaware of its fatal outcome. In any case, it was inevitable.» Coming from a family of Resistance fighters, Henriette lives the inconceivable : she falls in love with Josef, a young German soldier. Marcel, her friend since childhood, secretly in love with her, discovers their romance and joins the maquis the day before the Liberation. When he will come back, he will not be alone anymore, and they will wear the armband of the FFI..

Children of the Night

Children of the Night

Une journaliste se rend dans un orphelinat isolé où les enfants souffrent d'une maladie inconnue. Elle apprend vite qu'ils ne sont en fait pas des enfants, mais des vampires qui ont été mordu à un âge précoce et gardent à jamais leur physique juvénile. Ils sont dirigés et protégés par une étrange matrone dont le destin est de trouver ces «âmes perdues» et de les élever dans son sanctuaire où elle défend leur sécurité. Mais ils sont attaqués par des hommes qui veulent détruire le refuge. Les enfants, dirigés par le petit-fils du comte Dracula, doivent défendre leur mode de vie..

Children of the Night

Children of the Night

Anna is shocked by Sara's age, as they meet for the first time. All the same, they build up their tent in the livingroom and follow the instructions of the forum's list step by step. Although neither of them is able to hide their doubts, they're depending on each other. The task ahead isn't bearable alone..

Children of the Night

Children of the Night

Four chapters about the children of the night, about owls. From these series we will find out who we call owls, which of them live in Russia, which in Africa, we will get acquainted with the habits of these birds and how they raise their chicks. And also find out if owls are smart. In the film, a scientific experiment is conducted on the presence of cognitive abilities in owl birds..

Wild Sex of the Children of the Night

Wild Sex of the Children of the Night

In the future, when everybody is going to wear fancy clothing and make-up, and be aggressive as a form of survival, two rival punk gangs fight for the same territory. Action takes place mostly during the nights, and people gather in groups usually having some big name as leader, such as punk singers. After groups are formed, they start fighting against each other, trying to secure leadership. Main groups are the Lady's, the Baby's, the Drago's and the Ratos (Rats). They mix sex with violence, sometimes with subsequent death. One of the few dissonant voices is Gatão (Big Cat), kind of barbarian super-hero who faces punk tribes alone, standing for old-fashioned values such as honor, honesty, loyalty and care for defenceless people. Kind of "The Warriors" (1979) wannabe..

Children Should Only Be Kissed at Night

Children Should Only Be Kissed at Night

The journey of four directors in search of the words of men who were sons and will now become fathers. At the ‘Circle of Men’ in Turin, they deal with overcoming the masculinist patriarchal model through the changing male representation and its language..

Night Children

Night Children

A veteran cop (David Carradine) investigates the crimes of an anarchist street gang that causes chaos wherever they go. Meanwhile, his wife (Nancy Kwan), a police counselor, investigates a teenage runaway case which leads to the same gang. Showdowns ensue that pits sides together in a violent series of confrontations..

The Night of The Yellow Bull

The Night of The Yellow Bull

1948 year. The hero of the film Serdar recalls his childhood, which he spent in post-war Ashgabat. At that time it was truly an international city, united by the bitterness of military losses and the happiness of the Victory that had happened. However, the subject of memories, alas, is far from nostalgic feelings. Indeed, on that day, the Ashgabat earthquake, tragic in its consequences, took place, which claimed the lives of two-thirds of the city's residents..