

Caught in the Web voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Caught in the Web

Caught in the Web

Alors que Ye refuse de céder sa place à une personne âgée dans le bus, un journaliste filme toute la scène et la met sur Internet. Pour Ye, c'est le début des ennuis….

Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web

Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web

The larger-than-life story of Kim Dotcom, the 'most wanted man online', is extraordinary enough, but the battle between Dotcom and the US Government and entertainment industry—being fought in New Zealand—is one that goes to the heart of ownership, privacy and piracy in the digital age..

Web Junkie

Web Junkie

China is the first country in the world to classify Internet addiction as a clinical disorder. Caught in the Net features a Beijing treatment center where Chinese teenagers are being "deprogrammed," and follows the story of three boys from the day they arrive at the center, to their three-month treatment period, and their long awaited return home. The film provides a microcosm of modern Chinese life and investigates one of the symptoms of the Internet age. It examines inter-generational pressures and the disregard of the human rights of minors who get caught in the net..