

By the Grace of the Gods film en francais

By the Grace of the Gods

By the Grace of the Gods

Après avoir éternué trop fort, Takebayashi Ryouma, un homme de 39 ans, se retrouve dans une étrange pièce blanche. Les dieux lui annoncent qu’il est mort et qu’ils vont envoyer son âme dans un monde différent, un endroit où la magie existe. Il se retrouve ainsi réincarné dans un corps de jeune garçon et, avec les bénédictions des dieux qu’il reçoit, développe des compétences en magie et de dompteurs de slimes. Après trois années à vivre seul dans une forêt, il rencontre la famille ducale Jamil qu’il aidera. Suite à cette rencontre, il voyagera ensuite avec cette famille à travers le royaume..

Grâce à Dieu

Grâce à Dieu

Alexandre vit à Lyon avec sa femme et ses enfants. Un jour, il découvre par hasard que le prêtre qui a abusé de lui aux scouts officie toujours auprès d’enfants. Il se lance alors dans un combat, très vite rejoint par François et Emmanuel, également victimes du prêtre, pour «libérer leur parole» sur ce qu’ils ont subi. Mais les répercussions et conséquences de ces aveux ne laisseront personne indemne..

God's Grace

God's Grace

What gives Orthodoxy? A simple hard worker - driver Sergey - goes home. On the way, his car breaks down, and he finds himself in the center of the Orthodox procession. Sergey is deeply struck by the religious asceticism of those who carry spiritual bonds in their minds in the name of the revival of the sovereign greatness of Russia..

Grace of God

Grace of God

Grace of God is a documentary reflecting on the complex relationships between humans and domesticated animals. Thirteen individuals share their stories of personal experiences with a particular animal, relaying everything from profound friendships to a range of unusual interactions. There are stories of farm animals as well as beloved family friends. Animals of exceptional intelligence, who in some cases have used their instincts and wit to save the storytellers live. Even touching on the symbolism associated with animals that appear to humans as visions from the afterlife..

With the Grace of a God

With the Grace of a God

Back in Genoa for the first time in twenty-five years, to attend the funeral of his best friend from when he was growing up, Luca reunites with the old gang of yore. All of them are sure that the late lamented had brought it on himself, with his dissipated lifestyle. Not Luca: he wants to know, investigate, understand. He searches his memory, in a city as changed as he is, as characters and situations reemerge ghost-like from a buried past, along with Luca’s own true nature, which he thought he had definitively tamed..