

Broken Silence voirfilms

Broken Silence

Broken Silence

“Broken Silence” is composed of five hourlong shorts from a quintet of international directors: Hungary’s Janos Szasz (“Eyes of the Holocaust”), Argentina’s Luis Puenzo (“Some Who Lived”), Russia’s Pavel Chukhraj (“Children From the Abyss”), the Czech Republic’s Vojtech Jasny (“Hell on Earth”) and Poland’s Andrzej Wajda (“I Remember”). The helmers, some descendants of Holocaust survivors, focus on the atrocities within their particular parts of the world, with testimonials, pictures and an overall tone as they pertain to each region’s culture and history..

Broken Silence

Broken Silence

Un moine chartreux, voué au silence et à la méditation depuis 25 ans, doit voyager de France à Jakarta pour obtenir une signature qui renouvellera le bail de propriété de son monastère. Terrifié par son expérience dans l'avion, il descend à sa première escale, New Delhi, plongeant dans le monde étrange hors des murs de son monastère..

Broken Silence

Broken Silence

Feeling detached from her body and the world around her, Niamh McMahon struggles to remember events from a college party. Becoming overpowered by sudden flashes from the night’s evens, she struggles to regain her voice in connecting with those around her. Niamh is desperately trying to find some sort of solace in a world filled with so much noise..

Silence... Broken

Silence... Broken

Silence...Broken is an experimental narrative short about an African American lesbian's refusal to be silent about racism, sexism and homophobia. Featuring the poetry of acclaimed poet Jourdan Keith, this video is dedicated to the memory of self-defined Black Lesbian Feminist Warrior Mother Poet Audre Lorde who died in 1992 after a fourteen-year battle with breast cancer. This experimental short was created out of the filmmaker's personal need to see on screen the internal and external struggle Black lesbians go through when they constantly fight against choosing between their race, their gender and their sexuality in a racist, sexist and homophobic society. Silence...Broken is strongly influenced by award-winning filmmaker Marlon Riggs' masterpiece Tongues Untied about Black gay men..

Tea: Broken Silence

Tea: Broken Silence

Filmmaker Frank Scheffer tells the story of how Chinese composer Tan Dun created the tragic opera "Tea" in this documentary that includes interviews with Dun, librettist Xu Ying and director Pierre Audi. Performances by the NHK Symphony Orchestra and the Dutch Chamber Orchestra are also featured, while the bonus documentary Broken Silence highlights the work of five contemporary Chinese composers..

Broken Silence

Broken Silence

Winter, 1944. Lucía at 21 returns to her small village in the mountains. She again meets Manuel, a young iron-smith who helps "those in the mountain", the "maquis", the anti-Franco resistance. Lucía is attracted to Manual, because of his smile and the bravery of those men who continue fighting for their ideas, even at the cost of their own lives. When Manuel is pursued (by Franco's Civil Guard) he flees to the mountain and Lucía discovers the reality of political repression, the silence, the horror and fear..

Written by Mrs Bach: Broken Silence

Written by Mrs Bach: Broken Silence

An investigation into whether some of Johann Sebastian Bach's most famous works might actually have been composed by his second wife, Anna Magdalena. Accomplished academic, musician and forensic document examiner, Professor Martin Jarvis, comes up against significant resistance from the Bach orthodoxy when he presents his evidence supporting this theory..

After the Silence Was Broken

After the Silence Was Broken

The film is an intimate portrait of Marie-Luisa Purkrábková, co-founder of You Don’t! Have to Endure It, which draws attention to sexual harassment and abuse of power in Czech art schools. For years, the rampant sexism and bullying that exist behind the walls of many Czech universities have escaped media attention. In 2021, Marie-Luisa Purkrábková decided to speak out about toxic university relationships. She invited her DAMU (Faculty of Performing Arts) classmates to do the same. As the co-founder of the feminist initiative You Don't! Have to Endure It, she has become the voice of a humiliated student body for many. In this documentary, she shares the joy of her small successes as well as her doubts regarding how long she can face the pressure of such a responsible role. Scenes from her private life and public appearances create a portrait of a woman who clearly understands that even when pushing for far-reaching changes, one cannot afford to ignore one’s own health..