

Brick by Brick streaming vf complet gratuit

Brick by Brick

Brick by Brick

A prescient portrait of late-1970s Washington, D.C., that chronicles the city's creeping gentrification, the systematic expulsion of poor Black residents, and the community response in the form of the Seaton Street Project, in which tenants banded together to purchase buildings..

Brick by Chance and Fortune

Brick by Chance and Fortune

Saint Louis is rich with brick architecture, this film explores the history of the clay and brick industry as well as efforts today to save and preserve the cities built heritage from threats like brick thieves and urban renewal..

Brick by Brick

Brick by Brick

Conny and Robban has been working together as bricklayers for 15 years. One night a week they go to the racing track, dreaming of winning the jackpot which is going to change their lives. But it is Conny's decision to hire cheap, Polish construction workers that suddenly brings about the chance for change..



À Chartres, les Breuil, à la tête d’un important groupe de parfums, règnent sur la ville de père en fils. Toujours à Chartres, mais à des années-lumière de ce monde de luxe, Daniel Sauveur ne supporte plus la richesse insolente des Breuil et vit de petites combines. Quand le projet qu’il a monté avec son copain d’enfance est sabordé par le groupe, il n’a plus qu’une idée en tête : se venger. Il se débrouille alors pour être embauché dans l’usine familiale et convainc ses collègues de dérober une partie du stock. Avec toujours le même objectif : faire tomber la plus puissante dynastie de la ville..

Who Sells Bricks in Hong Kong

Who Sells Bricks in Hong Kong

The ambitious decoration worker Ling Wu Fei joined the "Myhome Property" founded by Ma Wong because of his admiration for the real estate agent Yan Zhu , with 'Mang Gai', who claimed science and technology expert, bronze medalist athlete A Luk, and infatuated accountant 'fat turtle' became the real estate trainee led by Yu Ge, a female branch manager who disguised as male . Plan to obtain a practicing license within three months and fight against the profitable industry leader "Dragon Realty", to prevent the right of the 'industry's grandpa' Cat Lok and Deng's eldest son-in-law, they plan to forced relocation and reconstruction of the old districts. (Source: ViuTV HK).