

Break of Dawn voirfilms

Break of Dawn

Break of Dawn

In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!.

At the Break of Dawn

At the Break of Dawn

Young Gilbert Randel, an American surveyor, is sent to Mexico with a construction gang, and quartered in a small Mexican village, meets Pepita, a beautiful Mexican girl, with whom he falls in love. After frequent visit to the cottage of Pepita, Gilbert proposes to the girl and she consents to the marriage..

Entre chiens et loups

Entre chiens et loups

Adrien, le braqueur, est atteint d'une maladie incurable tandis que Werner, le sniper suicidaire, est hanté par les fantômes de ses victimes. Ces deux mercenaires, que tout sépare et qui se savent condamnés, sont engagés par la mafia russe pour une mission kamikaze en Roumanie. Il s'agit d'un attentat truqué au cours duquel ils devront se laisser abattre. Tout les sépare. Mais une mort imminente les unit. Progressivement, une complicité naît entre eux. Ils ont tout connu, mais ce qui les attend là-bas, ils ne l'ont pas imaginé..

The Break of Dawn

The Break of Dawn

After ending one bad relationship, a young college student, Dawn Monae, tries to find love through online dating but soon finds out that her online lover isn't who he say he is and has an agenda that no one saw coming..

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn

A story that follows a team of cops as they crack serial cases, fight the crusade against drugs and bring down an international crime syndicate. Special forces agent Guo Yang successfully lures the druglord of Anguo into the country's borders to expedite his capture. However, the shock from the death of Zhu Dui causes him to retire from service. Two years later, undercover cop Zhang Chen learns that a new druglord has entered the country. Zhang Chen approaches Guo Yang and they team up to in a fight against the syndicate..

Dawn Breaking

Dawn Breaking

A large-scale solo exhibition by Chinese contemporary video artist Yang Fudong — grandly opened in the West Bund of Shanghai Art Museum. Yang collaborated with actors including Tan Zhuo, Lu Yulai, Xu Caigen, etc., and showed a 30-day art museum 'new film plan' for the audience at the museum. The Northern Song Dynasty Church and Nietzsche texts are the solemn philosophical language randomly selected by the director as a dialogue in the shooting scenes, and accompanied by the incomparable tone, gestures and facial expressions of the performers. Through this abstraction, stimulation breeds suspense, absurdity, and confusion. To be sure, Yang Fudong has once again found a strong personal style in recycling history..

Lou et l'île aux sirènes

Lou et l'île aux sirènes

À la suite du divorce de ses parents, Kai, un collégien solitaire, quitte Tokyo pour un petit village de pêcheurs. Pour occuper son temps, il compose de la musique électronique et rejoint un peu à contre coeur le groupe formé par ses deux camarades de lycée, Yûho et Kunio. Il accepte d'aller répéter avec eux sur une île mystérieuse. C’est alors que sa vie monotone bascule quand, grâce à sa musique, il rencontre en secret Lou, une sirène qui devient son amie. Lou se révèle une chanteuse et danseuse hors pair, et bientôt elle se joint au groupe. Le secret ne tarde pas à exploser au grand jour et les habitants du village découvrent avec stupeur l’existence de Lou. Hélas, les légendes sont tenaces et certains villageois y voient un signe annonciateur de catastrophes… Kai et Lou arriveront ils à rassurer les villageois ?.