


Holy Virgin Bondage

Holy Virgin Bondage

Une jeune fille de 16 ans nommée Aya est envoûtée les idées révolutionnaire de son petit ami ouvrier, Miyata. Sa sœur Sono croit que ce garçon n'a pas une bonne influence et elle permet à son "Maître" (un puissant juge avec dont elle est l'amante) de faire en sorte que les autorités le tuent. Après la mort du garçon, Aya tente de se venger contre le juge, mais est arrêtée pour tentative de meurtre. En raison de l'influence du Maître, Aya est condamnée à une détention à domicile... à la maison du Maître (!). Elle est bientôt violée et induite en servitude et à aux abus sexuels extrêmes....



Une plongée dans l’univers sulfureux du pape du bondage. Peintre, dessinateur et photographe, Seiu Ito se passionne pour le bondage. Ses modèles : ses deux épouses et une prostituée, dont la ressemblance avec sa première femme l'entraîne dans une spirale sadienne..



An amusing, extraordinarily insightful conversation between client and service provider takes place in admittedly a most unlikely location; a location where what one would expect turns out to be quite the opposite than the anticipated. The unlikely location is Tiffany's fantasy dungeon, where anything is possible. The result... A challenge to the nature of existence and the essence of love..

La bonne fée de Jerry

La bonne fée de Jerry

Tom poursuit Jerry dans d'une salle de billard, lorsque la fée de Jerry arrive et lui donne une potion d'invisibilité. Jerry en profite pour couper la fourrure de Tom avec une paire de ciseaux. Puis Tom se venge et après que les deux se soient coupés la fourrure, ils rient de leur nouvelle apparence. Le titre fait allusion à Of Human Bondage, un film de MGM datant de 1964..

Oryu's Passion: Bondage Skin

Oryu's Passion: Bondage Skin

When the boss of a yakuza clan in 1920s Osaka is assassinated, Oryu, his mistress, vows revenge. Her search for the killer takes her out of the city. The old boss' son proves a poor leader, only interested in Omitsu, his high-class girlfriend. Yajima, the second-in-command, is taking advantage of the situation to accumulate power for himself....



A medical student with a club foot falls for a beautiful but ambitious waitress. She soon leaves him, but gets pregnant and comes back to him for help..

The Bondage of Fear

The Bondage of Fear

Vesta Wheatley is the daughter of a Virginia physician; John Randolph is a New Yorker who buys a tract of land from her father. Vesta and John fall in love, get married, and move to New York. They are followed, however, by a persistent old flame of Vesta's, Dick Mortimer. He tracks her down to a mountain cabin, where she is alone. A burglar breaks in on the two, and Dick is killed trying to protect Vesta. The burglar blackmails Vesta until she finally becomes desperate and shoots him in her own home..



Judy Peters is about to be sentenced after she has pled guilty to her third offense of prostitution, when Dr. Nelson interrupts and tells her story to the court. (Mubi.).



Bondage was made from, among other things, footage Monika Treut filmed in New York with women of the LSM(Lesbian Sex Mafia/ Lesbian Sado-Masochists). The statements of Carol form the core of the film. She speaks about her sexuality, her love of bondage, her desire for pain, which she shows in front of the camera. Her talking is interrupted by assembled impressions: intersections and subways pass through a chained female body.

Bettie Page: Bondage Queen

Bettie Page: Bondage Queen

Bettie Page - famous for her pin up modeling - and other glamour girls appear in bondage photos and short films. These unique classics are the first film sources of today's fetish and S&M scene and appear nowadays surreal, tender and joyful..

Slaves in Bondage

Slaves in Bondage

Mary Lou manages to escape abduction by a prostitution ring. She tells the Chief of Detectives they were planning to take her to the Berrywood road house, a well-known den of iniquity. Jim Murray and beautician Belle Harris are using her beauty shop to recruit floozies for their road house circuit. Dona Lee, who works at the beauty salon, is falling in love with young reporter wanna-be Phillip, but Murray gets jealous and makes life rough for him. Meanwhile Dona begins to figure out the racket, but becomes threatened by Murray's unwanted advances..



Dorothy Phillips was starred as Elinor Crawford, a small-town girl who becomes a reporter on a big-city newspaper -- and immediately plunges into the "Bohemian" lifestyle. Assigned to interview a condemned murderer, Elinor must first obtain permission from criminal lawyer Evan Klavert (William Stowell), who happens to hail from Elinor's hometown and who prudishly disapproves of her current mode of living..

Bondage Ecstasy

Bondage Ecstasy

A young office worker turns into insect. As an insect, he enters the orifices of his enemies and possesses them, allowing him to enact his revenge fantasies....