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Sean, adolescent tourmenté, est rejeté par les élèves du collège de sa petite ville canadienne. Isolé et mal dans sa peau, il se sert d’Internet comme exutoire et imagine des scénarios de vengeance virtuels. Alertée, la police fait irruption dans la maison où elle trouve les armes de chasse de son père. Accusé de planifier un crime, Sean va devoir faire face à l’hostilité de la communauté et affronter une machine judiciaire obsédée par le principe de précaution..



Lily et son mari Paul , décident de réunir enfants et petits-enfants pour un week-end dans leur maison de campagne. Trois générations d’une même famille se retrouvent, avec Jennifer, l’aînée, son mari Michael et leur fils de 15 ans, Jonathan, mais aussi Anna, la cadette, venue avec Chris, sa compagne. En fait, cette réunion de famille a un but bien particulier : atteinte d'une maladie dégénérative incurable, Lily refuse de subir une fin de vie avilissante et décide de prendre son destin en main. Mais tout le monde n’accepte pas cette décision. Non-dits et secrets remontent à la surface, mettant à l’épreuve et redessinant tous les liens qui unissent les membres de cette famille, alors que le temps des adieux approche….



Seventeen-year-old Randy tries very hard to be a good person. Since his father left, Randy takes care of his emotionally disturbed mother, and he's the kind of friend all of his classmates can depend on. As strong as he seems on the outside, Randy is hiding a secret inner struggle and denial of his true self. It's not until he opens himself up to love that he discovers that becoming a man means accepting who you really are..



Troubled secret agent "Blackbird" abruptly retires from service and opens a luxurious nightclub in the Caribbean to escape the dark shadows of his past. An old flame arrives and reignites love in his life but she brings danger with her..



Après qu'un grave accident de la route l'ait laissée lourdement handicapée, une femme et son mari débâtent de l'idée d'uploader sa conscience de la femme vers une IA..



Two souls cross paths in an isolated wilderness. Rider, who is suffering from amnesia following a motorcycle crash. And Rose, on the run. They both take shelter in an abandoned cottage, where they start to piece things back together..



In 1990s New York City, teen runaway Froggy is caught in the throes of heroin addiction as she falls in love with a fellow junky, war veteran Baylis. The couple finds comfort in each other, yet they are already far too deep in a wild downward spiral..



Young ballad singer Ruadhan watches in distress as the traditional fabric of life in his small Scottish village is inexorably eroded. With fish dying and no jobs on land, the young people are escaping to the cities. Meanwhile, the old people of the town, to whom Ruadhan feels closest and whose traditions he wants to preserve, are dying off..



In the late 1800s, two Solomon Islander siblings, Kiko (16) and Rosa (24), were kidnapped from their Pacific island home and forced to work on a sugar cane plantation in Queensland. In a world where exploitation of Pacific Islanders for cheap labour is legislated and conditions for islanders are akin to slavery, Rosa struggles to keep an eye on her spirited young brother as he journeys into adulthood..



A young woman is torn between two worlds, her job cleaning planes and her dream of becoming a pilot. When she attempts to get time off to pursue aviation, she is met with resistance and must fight against the odds to get her wings..

Blackbird, Blackberry

Blackbird, Blackberry

Le magnifique portrait d’une femme célibataire de 48 ans au coeur d’un village traditionnel qui s’affranchit de ses chaînes et découvre l’amour et la sexualité tout en ne renonçant pas à son indépendance..

Call Me Blackbird

Call Me Blackbird

From the first look Kostya “Cat” Sukhoveev is an ordinary 15-years old boy. He doesn’t do very well at school, his parents are in the middle of a divorce, and he doesn’t have many friends, until one day he finds one online….