

Black Box voirfilms

La Black Box

La Black Box

Après avoir perdu sa femme et sa mémoire dans un accident de voiture, un père célibataire subit un traitement expérimental qui l'amène à se demander qui il est vraiment..

Black Box

Black Box

Catherine Banks, une célèbre neurologue à qui tout semble réussir, se bat en secret contre une maladie mentale : elle est bipolaire, comme l'était sa mère. Régulièrement, lorsqu'elle ne prend pas ses médicaments, elle est traversée de fulgurance, mais peut aussi se transformer en prédatrice à l'appétit sexuel vorace, ou mettre sa vie gravement en danger. Si sa famille est au courant du mal qui la ronge, son fiancé ignore tout de son état et de ce dont elle est capable. Avec ses patients, elle est en empathie totale, quitte à employer des méthodes peu conventionnelles pour les aider....

Inside the Black Box

Inside the Black Box

A new spin on celebrity interview shows, INSIDE THE BLACK BOX spotlights the world’s greatest artists of color, from actors to producers to directors, writers and musicians, and reflects on how one’s complexion affected their journey to success. Led by Emmy Award-winning actor Joe Morton and casting director/celebrity acting coach Tracey Moore and filled with an audience of young artists clamoring to learn as much as they can from our hosts and A-List guests. Each episode is filled with life lessons, history, exciting performance exercises, and honest discussions about the role race plays in the entertainment industry..

Black Box

Black Box

When astronaut Marcus is the lone survivor of an accident at a space station he finds himself in a damaged escape pod with little memory of what happened. As he gains contact with ground control Marcus must piece together what happened if he is to find a secure way of returning to Earth..

Deon Cole's Black Box

Deon Cole's Black Box

Deon Cole's Black Box is an American comedy television series that debuted on June 10, 2013, and airs weekly on TBS. The series features Deon Cole as he provides his humorous commentary on videos found via the internet and television..

Boîte noire

Boîte noire

Que s’est-il passé à bord du vol Dubaï-Paris avant son crash dans le massif alpin ? Technicien au BEA, autorité responsable des enquêtes de sécurité dans l’aviation civile, Mathieu Vasseur est propulsé enquêteur en chef sur une catastrophe aérienne sans précédent. Erreur de pilotage ? Défaillance technique ? Acte terroriste ? L’analyse minutieuse des boîtes noires va pousser Mathieu à mener en secret sa propre investigation. Il ignore encore jusqu’où va le mener sa quête de vérité....

Black Box

Black Box

Due to an ambiguous event outside, the exits of a Berlin courtyard are blocked by the police and a state of emergency occurs. Among the residents of the building, insecurities start to pump fear..

Black Box

Black Box

A story of grief and loss as a result of a plane crash. The family must deal with the death of a loved one while living it all over again..

Black Box

Black Box

A car arrives at a motel. A woman, wearing a trench coat and a pair of shades, gets out of the motel and into the car. The couple soon hits the road. They are chit-chatting, and everything seems normal until a black car gets in their way..

Black Box

Black Box

An astronaut encounters an unexpected emergency while on a routine mission, and finds himself jettisoned into space. Isolated, afraid, and losing oxygen, an emotional revelation may provide the will he needs to survive..

Black Box

Black Box

A grad student in theatre directs a group of undergrads in an adaptation of a 1980s young adult novel, altering them all in unexpected ways..

Black Box

Black Box

A scientist is sent forward into the future to retrieve collected information from an age of ruin that might save the human race - or destroy it..

Survival in the Sky

Survival in the Sky

Survival in the Sky is a British series of six one-hour episodes produced by Darlow Smithson Productions for The Learning Channel and Channel 4. Narrated by Will Lyman or Sean Barrett, the series primarily concentrated on commercial aviation accidents and the investigations related to them. They were first aired as a series of only four episodes in late 1996. Two additional episodes were produced and premiered in 1998. The series is notable for being produced with the cooperation of the National Transportation Safety Board and the Air Accidents Investigation Branch, and interviews many of the investigators and survivors of air crashes. A book also entitled Black Box was published in 1996 as a companion to the series..

Black Box Affair

Black Box Affair

An airplane crashes in Spain. The Russian as well as the Chinese government take care of the events because on board there was a "black box" containing precious and dangerous devices for the whole world..

The Black Box on Earth

The Black Box on Earth

In 2049, the only remaining data center "Black Box" on the planet rendered uninhabitable by climate disaster. The recorder who resides in "Black Box" accidentally brings out the documentary made by 2023 musicians... The last record on earth left with music on the fast-destroying earth, "The Black Box on Earth"!.

La Boîte noire

La Boîte noire

À la suite d'un accident de voiture, Arthur est plongé pendant quelques heures dans un coma. Durant sa phase d'éveil, dans un délire verbal, il exprime des phrases incohérentes qui trouvent leurs racines directement dans son inconscient. À son réveil, il est face à une curieuse énigme : que faisait-il la nuit sur cette route, proche de Cherbourg ? Ses phrases inquiétantes, dérangeantes et libératrices ont été notées dans un carnet noir par Isabelle, une des infirmières de l'hôpital. Pour l'aider à répondre à ses questions, Isabelle remet à Arthur, comme si elle lui offrait un trésor, le témoignage écrit de son délire. Dès cet instant commence pour Arthur une incroyable aventure. Il sera à la fois la victime, le coupable et l'enquêteur… de sa propre vie. Envahi par les traumatismes de notre inconscient, nous faut-il pour autant écraser les souvenirs qui nous encombrent ?.

Black Box Diaries

Black Box Diaries

Journalist Shiori Itō embarks on a courageous investigation of her own sexual assault in an improbable attempt to prosecute her high-profile offender. Her quest becomes a landmark case in Japan, exposing the country’s outdated judicial and societal systems..