

Bird of Prey voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Bird of Prey

Bird of Prey

From its video game-inspired opening titles to its pervasive electronic music track, Bird of Prey went to great lengths to demonstrate its credentials as 'a thriller for the electronic age'. These elements, together with a clever and complex plot that combines a breathless fascination with the still-young field of computing with pan-European fraud, international terrorism, rogue intelligence operatives and organised crime, link it firmly to the early 1980s, expressing that era's growing anxieties about the burgeoning 'Eurocracy'..

Birds of Prey et la fantabuleuse histoire de Harley Quinn

Birds of Prey et la fantabuleuse histoire de Harley Quinn

Vous connaissez l’histoire du flic, de l’oiseau chanteur, de la cinglée et de la princesse mafieuse ? Birds of Prey et la fantabuleuse histoire de Harley Quinn est une histoire déjantée racontée par Harley en personne, d’une manière dont elle seule a le secret. Roman Sionis, l’ennemi le plus abominable et le plus narcissique de Gotham, ainsi que son fidèle acolyte Zsasz décident de s'en prendre à une certaine « Cass ». La ville est passée au peigne fin pour retrouver la trace de la jeune fille. Les parcours de Harley, de la Chasseuse, de Black Canary et de Renee Montoya se télescopent et ce quatuor improbable n’a d’autre choix que de faire équipe pour éliminer Roman….

Bird of Prey

Bird of Prey

As a boy, Dominik watched an American crime boss murder his father, a police officer fighting corruption in Sofia, Bulgaria. Years later, he attempts to avenge his father's death but is imprisoned for 15 years for attempted murder. In prison, he meets an American photo-journalist who shares his enemy and his thoughts of revenge. Released from prison, the two hatch a plot which involves the man's recently-arrived daughter..

Bird of Prey

Bird of Prey

In a desolate desert, two desperados prepare for a duel in classic western style under the blazing sun. The stake is a bag with valuable contents. Eyes leer, foreheads are beaded with sweat. Who will be the fastest shooter?.

Bird of Prey

Bird of Prey

The film follows Sam, a falconer and naturalist living on the North Mountain of the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. Through performance and documentary, Tetrault conducted interviews with Sam on the relationship a falconer has with a bird of prey, and the possibility for over-identification and projection onto the bird..

Bird of Prey

Bird of Prey

Wildlife cinematographer Neil Rettig embarks on what could be the most challenging assignment of his career: to find and film the rarest eagle on the planet. Bird of Prey explores the vanishing world of the Great Philippine Eagle and reveals the courageous heroes that are determined to save it. (IMDb).

Bird of Prey

Bird of Prey

After finishing his MA in Anthropology, Hugo spends his days giving his brain a rest from the endless reading of texts by unknown authors. His only company is Luisa, the cleaning lady, with whom he plays cat and mouse. To escape the sleep of reason – which creates monsters -, Hugo exercises his lyrical vein by writing, with his friend Manuel, songs about their neighbourhood. The quiet dilettantism of our protagonist is shaken by Catarina, a young and beautiful translator who’s starting her professional life as a freelancer. Hugo is hooked and wavers. High above, a kestrel falcon hovers. It’s not the only bird of prey that can do it..

To Kill a Bird of Prey

To Kill a Bird of Prey

The autopsy of a deceased girl finds that the victim had died long before the accident. Taking over the case, "Grandpa" and his assistant, Panaitescu, discover that the perpetrator of the false accident is being blackmailed..

Falco Terror

Falco Terror

Vanessa, une reporter à la télévision couvre la nouvelle d'un fermier attaqué par ses poulets mais découvre que cet incident n'est pas un cas isolé....

Le Rapace

Le Rapace

À Veracruz au Mexique, en 1938, « Le Rital », dit aussi « Le Rapace », fait route à travers ce pays qui n'est pas le sien. C'est un aventurier dépourvu de tout idéal, un tueur à gages désabusé, cynique et brutal. Au terme de moult précautions dans ce pays livré à une police omniprésente et toute puissante, il finit par arriver chez ses commanditaires, un groupe de conjurés qui fomentent un coup d'État..

The World of Birds of Prey – Right to Survival

The World of Birds of Prey – Right to Survival

The documentary explores the life of birds of prey and their struggle for survival in a changing world. From nesting to hunting, it reveals their importance in ecosystems and the threats from human activities. Through impressive images, it presents nature’s diversity and the need to preserve this preciousness..