

Bikkuriman voirfilms

Bikkuriman 2000

Bikkuriman 2000

Bukkuriman 2000 is an anime by Studio Comet that aired in the year 1999. It is the first anime fully animated digitally. At that time, there were other anime animated digitally part of the time like the 1997 remake of Dr. Slump. The anime is 68 episodes long and has a sequel called Happy Lucky Bikkuriman..

Dr. Slump: Arale's Surprise Bang

Dr. Slump: Arale's Surprise Bang

Arale and company arrive at a nice location for a picnic. They soon discover a beautiful stone with strange powers. Before they know it, a dangerous pirate and his mysterious ship invades their peace and steals the stone. Now it is up to them to retrieve the stone before it is used by evil hands..