

Bigfoot voirfilms



Controversial megafauna, Bigfoot, finds himself down on his luck. His hunt for meaning, connection, and redemption snacks reveals him to be a complex mix of ego, vulnerability, cool dances, weird smells, and philosophical insight. Can he borrow some money? What is the moon? Please stop honking at Bigfoot? What is a Bigfoot? So many questions..only one Bigfoot..



The whole family will enjoy huge laughs and giant, hairy adventures with this touching tale about a big-hearted Bigfoot. Lost in the forest, he befriends three kids, Percy, Madison and Leonard, who are determined to protect him. When two local bullies kidnap the legendary creature with plans to sell him to the highest bidder, it's up to his human buddies to rescue him and return him to his home..



Harley Anderson et Simon Quint, deux hommes dont les destins divergent se retrouvent mêlés à la même affaire. En effet, ils s'unissent pour mettre la main sur une créature légendaire se cachant dans les montagnes: le bigfoot..



When Arvid, the most malevolent yeti in all of the North Pole has come in possession of the powerful Master Scroll of The Naughty Children, he enlists the scroll's powers to banish Santa, his sworn arch nemesis, to the Land Of Holiday Misfits, a dreary place from which no one can return. It's up to a boy named Finn and his mighty dragon Haldor to rescue Santa and save the day before it's too late!.



Something monstrous is slaughtering deer in the marshlands of Ohio, leaving them torn to shreds. Authorities believe it to be the work of a bear, but army veteran Jack Sullivan knows the truth. He has heard the creature’s name, but nothing can prepare him for the disturbing reality of BIGFOOT. The original monster of American folklore, Bob Gray’s Bigfoot is more savage, relentless, and bloodthirsty than he’s ever been before. The deer were just the beginning. He’s saving his ultimate wrath for the men who enter his domain..

Bigfoot Junior

Bigfoot Junior

Adam, un adolescent rêveur et solitaire, doté de pouvoirs surnaturels, décide de partir à la recherche de son père, disparu depuis des années dans des circonstances plus que mystérieuses. Son enquête le mène rapidement à la rencontre d’une créature tout aussi magique que légendaire : Le Bigfoot ! Commence alors pour eux deux une aventure extraordinaire au cœur de la forêt peuplée d’adorables animaux, sans savoir qu’une dangereuse organisation est sur leurs traces et prête à tout pour mettre la main sur le Bigfoot..



Two young college kids try shrooms for the first time out in the woods only to encounter the one and only BigFoot..



Tired of horror comedies that forget the horror, the laughs, even both? Us too. Get ready for a true horror comedy - Bigfoot. Divided into three acts - the first two comedy, then horror in the final act - to balance laughs with shrieks. Bigfoot is the true horror comedy. PART ONE - COMEDY Sick of TV squatching shows? Bigfoots Are. And they know just how to even the score, through juvenile schoolyard pranks. Now the joke is on for us unwary humans. PART TWO - COMEDY Bigfoots have the problems humans have. They seek love and inner peace through therapy and psychic readings and experience intimacies, idiosyncrasies, impotencies, and fetishes. Oh the humanity. PART THREE - HORROR When unsuspecting campers wander into their territory, bigfoots attack. Now a crew of hunters and scientists, dispatched to capture or kill, join a stranger with a psychic and sensual link to the creatures. Whether defending their woods, or bent on revenge, dinner is served..



Bigfoot is an animated series television pilot created by Seth Rogen, Matt McKenna, and Evan Goldberg that is in development for the FX Channel. It would be based on the autobiographical bigfoot-themed books from the illustrator Graham Roumieu. Rogan, McKenna, and Goldberg would also be serving as executive producers of the show. The series will follow the protagonist Bigfoot..



A sunny summer day in the Quebec Laurentiens. All is quiet in the forest, only birds can be heard in the absence of women and men. Yet, an undeniably eerie presence can be felt within the woods, one that has been lurking from civilization since the dawn of time.



Two punks want to booze up in the woods, but when Bigfoot suddenly appears, the nice outing turns into a nightmare..