

Beowulf voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

La Légende de Beowulf

La Légende de Beowulf

En ces temps lointains, les sauvages contrées du Nord de l'Europe étaient peuplées de héros et de monstres, et des hommes audacieux, taillés pour la lutte et les conquêtes, pouvaient encore se forger des destins d'exception. Le plus glorieux d'entre ces aventuriers fut le Viking Beowulf, qui surgit un beau jour pour sauver le vieux roi Hrothgar et ses sujets des assauts d'une féroce créature. Son nom devint vite légendaire à travers le royaume et, partout, l'on chanta sa bravoure face au maléfique Grendel. Beowulf ne devint pas seulement célèbre, mais riche. Et avec la richesse vinrent bientôt de dangereuses tentations et une inextinguible soif de pouvoir. Car le héros était aussi humain, trop humain, sans doute, et le guerrier plus avide, plus ambitieux et bien plus faillible qu'on ne l'imaginait....



La Terre a traversé de nombreuses crises et cataclysmes. Les hommes vivent dans la peur et dans l'obscurité car les ténèbres voilent désormais la lumière du soleil. Dans cet univers hostile, erre un homme maudit et solitaire, Beowulf, fruit des amours interdites d'une mortelle avec le diable. Pour vaincre le monstre qui est en lui, Beowulf doit combattre le mal. Son plus redoutable adversaire est une créature tapie dans les combles d'une forteresse. Invincible, d'une sauvagerie sans nom, elle tue quotidiennement puis disparait dès l'aube..



Film adaptation of the earliest known poem in the English language (written in the 8th century) which examines the ancient and heroic tradition from which the feudal system started to grow. The film, as in the poem, is an elegy lamenting the not only the reality of a lost heroic tradition, but also the loss of innocence which made possible its unquestioning acceptance..



In a modern retelling of the classic epic, a young man by the name of Beowulf travels to a far-away city with his companions to kill the creature that has been haunting its residents... Grendel.



Since 1990, Benjamin Bagby has been performing the great epic Beowulf at major festivals and venues around the world. This remarkable performance is presented on DVD, beautifully filmed by the award-winning Swedish director Stellan Olsson. While Beowulf has come down to us through literature as a written poem, the epic's pre-literate medieval audience would have known it through the performance of a scop, a bardic storyteller, as Bagby presents himself here. In this one-man tour de force, Bagby accompanies himself on an Anglo-Saxon harp. Using the entire range of his voice, he delivers this gripping tale in Old English, as it could have been experienced more than one thousand years ago. This performance speaks to the lovers of Beowulf and the oral epic, early music enthusiasts, Tolkien fans, medievalists, and anyone searching for virtuoso storytelling or a glimpse into the fascinating beginnings of the English language..



A 2008 musical retelling of the Beowulf story, with music created by the most prominent Dave Malloy. A story of horror, courage and history..

Beowulf : Retour Dans Les Shieldlands

Beowulf : Retour Dans Les Shieldlands

De retour d’exil, Beowulf, un puissant guerrier Goth, revient sur ses terres natales pour débarrasser la cour du roi Hrothgar d’un terrible monstre mangeur d’hommes nommé Grendel. Beowulf est une adaptation du poème épique du même nom datant du Moyen-Âge..

Beowulf : La Légende Viking

Beowulf : La Légende Viking

Danemark, VIe siècle. Le roi Hrothgar fait appel à Beowulf, un guerrier réputé invincible, pour se débarrasser d'un troll nommé Grendel qui sème la terreur et la mort dans le royaume. Mais Beowulf réalise rapidement que Grendel n'est pas forcément le monstre que l'on croit et que le roi cache une partie de la vérité....

Michael Wood on Beowulf

Michael Wood on Beowulf

Historian Michael Wood returns to his first great love, the Anglo-Saxon world, to reveal the origins of our literary heritage. Focusing on Beowulf and drawing on other Anglo-Saxon classics, he traces the birth of English poetry back to the Dark Ages. Travelling across the British Isles from East Anglia to Scotland and with the help of Nobel prize-winning poet Seamus Heaney, actor Julian Glover, local historians and enthusiasts, he brings the story and language of this iconic poem to life..

Animated Epics: Beowulf

Animated Epics: Beowulf

Swords fly as Beowulf battles the evil Grendel in this exciting animated adaptation of the epic poem. Incorporating fascinating sketch art and featuring the voice of Joseph Fiennes as Beowulf. found..

Beowulf and the Anglo Saxons

Beowulf and the Anglo Saxons

This documentary goes beyond the text of the epic poem and examines the history behind its writing. With interviews and travels in Europe, BEOWULF AND THE ANGLO-SAXONS dives into the culture of the people who created the classic myth. This title also explores the warrior society of the ancient people. Miraculously preserved over the centuries, its artistic importance was unrecognized until an essay by J. R. R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings) revealed its unity and multi-dimensional structure. Beowulf is now regarded as the most important manuscript the Anglo-Saxons have handed down to us, of immense linguistic as well as poetic value. This program sets out to trace the origins of the tribes that brought this epic into being, the war-like Norsemen from Sweden, Denmark and Germany who were to conquer and settle regions of a more clement and fertile island that would become known as England, named after the tribe of the Angles..

Beowulf: A Thousand Years of Baggage

Beowulf: A Thousand Years of Baggage

Flawed heroes, sympathetic monsters and haughty professors collide as this hefty poem is rescued from the grasp of 1,000 years of highbrow analysis and transformed into a defiantly raucous musical. Presented by San Francisco's infamous Shotgun Players and New York's infectious Banana Bag & Bodice, this new SongPlay is an irreverent dissertation on art versus criticism in blood-soaked Scandinavia..

Beowulf: The Denmarkian King

Beowulf: The Denmarkian King

There once existed a mighty and noble hero by the name of Sir Beowulf. He proved his heroism through many a noble(?) quest. Join him on his tale as he faces off against the infamous villains of the Great Lake, Grendel, Drakeula, and his ultimate rival: Master Sereno..

Life in the Age of Beowulf

Life in the Age of Beowulf

West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village is set in 125 acres. Here in the 60s and 70s a series of archaeological digs revealed the remains of a substantial settlement of over 70 houses of which 8 have been reconstructed. The earliest remains go back as far as 420 B.C., coinciding with a period during which the Roman legions withdrew from Britain, leaving it open to the Anglo-Saxon invasions. The village was settled until 650 AD, the age of Beowulf, when a poem was composed and recited by the bards. Hose Lance Alexander is the acknowledged expert in this field..