

Beauty at War film en francais

Beauty at War

Beauty at War

In order to air her grievances towards her elder sister Lady Yue-Yuet, Lady Shun Yuen-Sau spreads rumours of Yue-Yuet in the palace. The ambitious nursing mother Seung-Ling tries to collect evidence against the rumours in exchange for money from others. She soon becomes a trusted follower and a close friend of Lady Yue-Yuet. Meanwhile, the arrival of famous actors Ko Lau-Fei and Wan Tsau-Yin captures the heart of every woman in the palace including the lonely Yuen-Sau, and unintentionally fuels the power struggle between the three ladies in the palace..

War and Beauty

War and Beauty

Fifteen years after Qing Emperor Jiaqing was crowned the country appears to be in harmony. However, fights between the imperial concubines escalate. All the imperial concubines including the emperor's beloved Yu-Yue understand this and becomes nervous when the triennial imperial concubine election approaches. Yu-Yue's position is threatened by an imperial descendant, Yuk-ying, a powerful eunuch's adopted daughter, Yi-Sun, and an experienced imperial servant maid On-Seen. They are friends and enemies in the war for the emperor's love. The four beautiful women are either friends or lovers of an imperial physician Sun Bak Yeung and a trooper Kong-Wu. Plots and lies undermine their love and friendships in the palace..

The War of Beauties

The War of Beauties

Chung Ka-po, Lam Siu-mei and Lee Ching-yee are sisterly buddies. Due to different reasons after graduation, the trio gradually go their separate ways. Ka-po is arbitrarily nominated by Siu-mei to participate in a school beauty contest organized by some magazine. Ka-po is eventually the unchallenged winner, and the Golden Agent Wing Yat-yin then convinces her to join his agency. Yat-yin encourages Ka-po to sign up for the Miss Hong Kong Pageant. However, Chung Ka-kei, who is Ka-po’s fellow contestant and also younger stepsister, frames her. And then Ka-po manages to enter showbiz, which is more like a “battlefield”. She also befriends Pong Chun-yu, who is the son of some tycoon. After the couple get married, Ka-po finds herself in another “battlefield” that is the domain of some distinguished family. Moreover, Ka-po is drifting away from her two bosom girlfriends. Is it actually jealousy, dignity, wealth or something else that causes the friends to go cold on each other?.



À une époque féodale, un jeune samouraï du nom de Yajirou Torajima surnommé le « Tigre de l'arrière-garde », est à la tête d'un petit groupe d'hommes. Ces derniers sont en pleine bataille pour retrouver leurs seigneurs. Pourchassé par des vilains, Yajirou se retrouve obligé de se cacher dans une source d'eau chaude mais il n'est pas tout seul. Il découvre une jeune femme du nom de Rushuna Tendou qui sous ses attitudes de fille naïve et innocentes semble être en fait une experte en matière d'arme à feu....

La Guerre des miss

La Guerre des miss

22 élections de la Miss locale, 22 victoires pour Super Charmoussey. Cette année encore c'est tout Charmoussey, petit village encaissé dans la vallée et frappé durement par la récession qui se mobilise derrière son maire pour laver l'affront et remporter enfin la victoire sur Super Charmoussey, station de ski familiale et prospère. Désormais tous les coups sont permis : espionnage, délation, corruption... Cette année la guerre des miss est déclarée !.

Beauty Wars

Beauty Wars

High school friends Joo-yeon, So-jin, Hyeon-mi and Seon-hee have been close since they were young but don’t pour their hearts out to each other. Joo-yeon is an office girl, So-jin has been taking the bar exam for 4 years, Hyeon-mi was born to be solo and Seon-hee who is out of reach one day receive a picture of a rose and get together for the first time in a while. They say the plates break when three girls gather at once. Seon-hee isn’t there yet but Joo-yeon, So-jin and Hyeon-mi released the vanity they’d kept inside for so long..

Les guerriers de la beauté

Les guerriers de la beauté

The film is a labyrinth with multiple entrances, where an unlikely Ariane in wedding gown guides and misleads the viewer in a strange world marked by metamorphosis, multiple personalities, conflicting drives, parody, ritual, surreality..

The Tormented Beauty

The Tormented Beauty

Guerrilla member Ting Siu-yuen works as a playwright and Lee, the leader of an opera troupe. They conceal their identities in the troupe in order to gather military intelligence. Yuen gradually falls in love with the lead actress Mui Law-heung. Ting is unsettled to learn that County Chief Fong covets Mui. He sneaks into Fong's residence and is astounded by the sight of his old lover Pak Kuen, now Fong's wife. Fong colludes with the military chief in conducting vicious schemes. With Kuen's help, Yuen is able to get the intelligence. But as Heung is not an insider, she reports to the Governor about the illicit relationship between Yuen and Kuen. Kuen backs Yuen to eliminate the conspirators and bring about the union of Yuen and Heung..

Tokyo Ballistic War Vol.1 - Cyborg High School Girl VS. Cyborg Beautiful Athletes

Tokyo Ballistic War Vol.1 - Cyborg High School Girl VS. Cyborg Beautiful Athletes

The story takes place in the alternate world slightly different from ours. In United Republic of Great Japan; which has become the world’s strongest nation; it is reported that a new breed of athletes is setting a phenomenal new world record, winning every sports game. Prompted by the pressure from other nations, the organization that supervises the country’s sports events, decides to look into the matter; but the entire investigation team goes missing just when it started the mission. What the investigation team witnessed was “Athlete-roid. Koumoto executive director of Great Japan Heavy Industries is planning to dominate the world market for special military-use robots by promoting the army of invincible “Athlete-roid.”....

Tokyo Ballistic War Vol.2 - Cyborg High School Girl VS. Cyborg Beautiful Athletes

Tokyo Ballistic War Vol.2 - Cyborg High School Girl VS. Cyborg Beautiful Athletes

The story takes place in the alternate world slightly different from ours. In United Republic of Great Japan; which has become the world’s strongest nation; it is reported that a new breed of athletes is setting a phenomenal new world record, winning every sports game. Prompted by the pressure from other nations, the organization that supervises the country’s sports events, decides to look into the matter; but the entire investigation team goes missing just when it started the mission. What the investigation team witnessed was “Athlete-roid. Koumoto executive director of Great Japan Heavy Industries is planning to dominate the world market for special military-use robots by promoting the army of invincible “Athlete-roid.”....