

Bastogne sokroflix gratuit



Seconde Guerre mondiale, décembre 1944 : La 101° Division aéroportée atteint la ville de Bastogne. Holley, un soldat, se lie avec Denise. La progression se poursuit, mais le barrage de l'armée allemande est acharné alors qu'elle semblait vouée à la déroute. Certains allemands s'infiltrent parmi les américains pour des missions de sabotage....

Frères d'armes

Frères d'armes

Vivez la Seconde Guerre mondiale aux côtés de la Easy Company, un groupe de soldats américains. Suivez-les en tant que groupe, ou individuellement, depuis leur formation en 1942, jusqu'à la libération de l'Allemagne nazie en 1945, en passant par leur parachutage en Normandie le 6 juin 1944..

Battle of the Bulge: Panzer Marche - The Dash for Bastogne

Battle of the Bulge: Panzer Marche - The Dash for Bastogne

In this programe we examine the background to the campaign with a leading American historian before following the advance of one of Hitler's most successful panzer commanders, Hasso von Manteuffel, Fifth Panzer Army. We will travel in wintery conditions from the German border into the lightly held US front line. From the outset small groups of GIs did their best to delay the advance of the panzers, buying time for the vital crossroad town of Bastogne to be reinforced by 101st US Airborne Division. Under the cloak of bad weather, the Germans initially advanced successfully but more slowly than planned However, Germany's chronic lack of fuel hamstrung the advance. The British XXX Corps deployed to the River Meuse amidst controversy over Montgomery's role and injudicious words but the panzer spearheads were halted short of the river as the skies cleared and the feared fighter bombers returned..

Battle of the Bulge: Siege of Bastogne

Battle of the Bulge: Siege of Bastogne

With the Fifth Panzer Army fighting its way towards the River Meuse, the cross roads town of Bastogne, vital for the success of Hitler's last attempt to check the Allies in the west, the Americans rushed reinforcements to hold it. 101st US Airborne Division was resting in reserve near Paris when the call for immediate deployment to the Ardennes came and reached Bastogne just before the German ring around the town closed. Wearing only normal uniforms, the 101st joined the other garrison troops in a siege where they fought not only the enemy's panzers but the freezing, snowy, cold to hold the vital road junction. Filmed on the ground we tell the story of the heroic defence of Bastogne..