

Barb Wire voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Barb Wire

Barb Wire

Barb Wire est la patronne d'un bar de Steel Harbor, ville libre d'un pays ravagé par une guerre civile. Elle est également détective privé. Elle reçoit la visite de policiers du gouvernement à la recherche de Cora, une scientifique qui fuit le regime en emportant avec elle le secret d'une arme terrible..

Femmes en cage

Femmes en cage

L'histoire narre l'arrivée dans une île prison d'une nouvelle détenue, rôle initialement tenu en 1968 par Maria Rohm, désormais interprétée par Lina Romay. Cette prison est tenue d'une main ferme par sa directrice (Monica Swinn), secondée par le bon docteur Costa (Paul Muller) et sous la protection du fringuant gouverneur local (Roger Darton). Emprisonnée pour avoir tué son père incestueux (Jesús Franco), Maria va très vite subir les pires outrages et autres sévices sexuelles. La jeune femme, aidée par la codétenue Bertha (Martine Stedil), décide de s'évader et de quitter cet enfer carcéral....

Barbed Wire

Barbed Wire

Harvey, an old man from Scotland lives with his young son and daughter in an isolated house in Patagonia. Upon arrival of the emissaries of a development corporation he promptly stands against them by building a large fence (alambrado). A debut rich with sensibility and violent physicality, an unusual film of wind, isolation, loneliness, desolation ... and madness..

Kantatar - Barbed Wire

Kantatar - Barbed Wire

Kantatar (Barbed Wire) revolves around the journey of Sudha (Sreelekha Mitra), a socio-political-love drama, Kantatar centers on an illegal immigrant's search for identity and her effort to survive sake and in search of an identity, moves from one man to another and from one religion to another. The sudden threat of cross border terrorism entirely changes the socio-political situation in a remote village close to the frontier, the army rolls into town, and the drastic changes take their toll on inter-personal relationships as they are marred by suspicion, competition and fear. Sudha takes refuge in a temporary weather camp just outside the village..

Homeland of Barbed Wire

Homeland of Barbed Wire

Directors belonging to the PLO film organisations were barred from entering territories under Israeli administration. Kais Al-Zubaidi sent a West-German film team into the territories occupied in 1967. They talked to Palestinian peasants and refugees and to Israeli settlers. The former have lost their fields and meadows and are to be driven further East from the camps in which they lived since 1948. The latter call their new settlement area “liberated land”..

The Barbed-Wire Fences

The Barbed-Wire Fences

This war drama finds a group of rebels grappling with their imprisonment while in the custody of Dutch colonialists.With several of their comrades recently executed, the soldiers are left to contemplate their fates – and plan a possible escape – as the threat of their impending mortality closes in..

Theater Behind Barbed Wire

Theater Behind Barbed Wire

The history of the unique theater, founded in 1943 in Vorkutlag by the will of two Muscovites – the chief and the prisoner (Mikhail Maltsev and Boris Mordvinov). Actors and musicians came out of the barracks to the stage at gunpoint every day to play a play and save their lives. During the war, the Vorkuta Camp Music and Drama Theater showed 600 performances a year, and the troupe consisted of 150 actors. Their children, grandchildren and friends became the heroes of this film..

Borzenko: Ring Behind Barbed Wire

Borzenko: Ring Behind Barbed Wire

The story of Andrei Borzenko, a Soviet boxer who passed through the Buchenwald concentration camp, is a real confirmation that the fortitude of the human spirit can work wonders. Borzenko spent more than 80 fights and was never defeated, even though he was in terrible conditions, almost incompatible with life. The film shows the resilience and patriotism of specific people during the Great Patriotic War. The documentary film includes scenes from the life of the characters, played by the artists as a reconstruction of real events and supplemented with stories from relatives and friends of the main character..