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1975 : En rupture avec sa famille, Cynthia a glissé doucement vers une de ces sectes religieuses qui racolent dans les rues des grandes villes. Sous l'emprise du maître, Harris, elle vit pendant deux ans à Unity Field jusqu'au jour où celui-ci entraîne ses disciples dans un suicide collectif. Cynthia, sauvée de justesse, plonge alors dans un profond coma. 1988 : Cynthia revient à la vie. Mais peu à peu, elle sent qu'au-delà de la mort, ses anciens compagnons sont là pour la récupérer....

Bad Dreams

Bad Dreams

Sarah, une lycéenne qui a rompu avec sa famille, participe à une étude sur le sommeil pour gagner sa vie. Elle va devenir, malgré elle, l’instrument d’une découverte terrifiante..

Bad Dreams

Bad Dreams

A boy in bed thinks something’s escaped the cellar. Suddenly, a deformed face looms over the boy with a harrowing scream. This bad dream is remembered by a man as he shaves, making him cut his neck. As he bleeds, he wonders "How many shaving cuts would it take to bleed to death?" He decides his guest locked downstairs needs a shave..

Awake in a Bad Dream

Awake in a Bad Dream

One in eight Dutch women gets breast cancer, which means that most people know someone who struggles with this life-threatening disease. The part of a woman's body where she is probably the most vulnerable, beautiful, proud and sexy becomes a source of despair and rage. For Ingrid, Vicky and Sabrina, breast cancer takes on various forms. They are working towards recovery through tough and painful treatment, but are acutely aware that the disease can rear its ugly head again without warning. They feel damaged and insecure, and their self-esteem is at stake, for the disease has eroded their sense of femininity. In a very personal and intimate way, Awake in a Bad Dream shows how the women and their partners try to regain control of their lives after the diagnosis. Without comment or interviews, the film follows Ingrid, Vicky and Sabrina as they face inevitable and painful choices at the hospital..

Valley Girl

Valley Girl

Julie Richman, une fille de la campagne, et Randy, un punk de la ville, ont des caractères diamétralement opposés. Pourtant, ils tombent amoureux l'un de l'autre..