

Automata voir films streaming gratuit sans compte



Jacq Vaucan, un agent d'assurance de ROC robotics corporation, fait des tests sur des robots. Ce qu'il découvre va avoir de profondes conséquences sur l'avenir de l'humanité..



Dans une réalité alternative où les robots cohabitent avec les humains mais sont considérés comme inférieurs, un robot et un détective privé font équipe pour espionner la femme d'un riche homme d'affaires..

NieR Automata Ver1.1a

NieR Automata Ver1.1a

5012 AD. Des extraterrestres ont soudainement envahi la Terre en envoyant des formes de vies mécaniques. L'humanité est sur le point de disparaître, mais réfugié sur la lune, un petit groupe organise la riposte en créant des soldats androïdes. Cependant, ils ne font pas le poids face à un ennemi pouvant se démultiplier à l’infini. Dernier espoir, une nouvelle génération d'androïdes féminins : l’unité Yorha. 2B. Pourront-elles reconquérir la Terre ?.



Automata is the eerie, black-humoured story of Henry, the last in a long line of duck hunters. The film examines the connection between hunter and prey and obsession in the face of extinction. It posits the question 'what would happen to someone at the tipping point; the moment where they are directly responsible for the extinction of an entire species' Duck hunting in Australia is a very contentious issue and every year hunters and protesters clash. The experimental side is evidenced with the lack of dialog, non-linear narrative and a 'score' by Belgian sound designer Christina Clar. The majority of the sound tracking and design was completed before the edit in Australia, thus reversing the usual process. The sound post production was completed in Brussels and includes recordings from deep within remote caves..



The quick response of a body in social isolation. The dancer moves alone in the living room of her apartment and expresses her feelings in the face of quarantine. A solo choreography of the automatic desires of a body that needs movement..

Neutron the Atomic Superman vs. the Death Robots

Neutron the Atomic Superman vs. the Death Robots

The evil scientist Dr. Caronte plots to revive the brains of three dead scientists and use them to obtain the formula for the super-powerful neutron bomb. The resulting creation needs blood lots of blood, sending Caronte's midget assistant Nick and his legion of mutant monsters out to get fresh victims. However, the masked atom-superman Neutron vows to put a stop to Caronte's deeds..

Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata

This educational video about cellular automata was filmed, narrated, and edited by Rudy Rucker in 1990, using some "CA Lab" software he worked on at Autodesk. Renamed "Cellab," the software and manual are available for free on Rucker's website, but certainly you can watch the video without using the software. Two-dimensional CA rules discussed include Langton's worm, the game of Life, Silverman's Brain, the Vote rule, the Rug rule, gas-simulating rules, and many others..

Le Choc des snacks

Le Choc des snacks

Douze chefs puisent dans leur savoir en science alimentaire pour recréer de célèbres snacks et inventer des gourmandises. En jeu ? Un prix de 50 000 dollars !.

Auto Focus

Auto Focus

Dans les années soixante, Bob Crane est l'animateur vedette d'une émission de radio à succès. C'est aussi un père de famille comblé. Lorsqu'il se voit proposer le rôle principal d'une série humoristique, c'est le début d'une gloire aussi grande que destructrice. Sa célébrité et la rencontre de John Carpenter, un technicien vidéo qui le pousse à développer son obsession de l'image et des femmes. Au cours de sa quête effrénée de plaisir et de sexe, Bob Crane va peu à peu perdre sa famille, ruiner sa carrière et se perdre lui-même....

The Automatic Hate

The Automatic Hate

When Davis Green's alluring young cousin Alexis appears on his doorstep one night, he discovers that a side of his family has been kept secret from him. Against his father’s wishes, Davis travels to rural, upstate New York to meet his other cousins..

The Devil's Machine

The Devil's Machine

Antique expert Brendon Cole is summoned to authenticate a 300-year-old clockwork doll with a notoriously dark history known as The Inferno Princess. In the remote Highlands mansion where it has recently been uncovered, Brendon soon finds himself the victim of the automaton’s legendary curse as the malevolent forces surrounding it are terrifyingly awakened..



Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad..